Abstract:In recent years, the major online and traditional brands settled with the lower threshold of the electricity supplier, emerging brands are also actively participate in the competition, the electricity supplier competition intensifies, the industry's overall multi-channel modes to persify. Network brand want to get long-term development, the need to extend the line multi-channel integration and development, the current domestic brands online network is still in the lower extension of trial and error, stage of development, how to successfully extend to offline channels is important research direction. In this paper, we choose the jewelry industry, and from the current trend of multi-channel development, the need for network analysis jewelry brand extension. On the basis of the theory of brand extension, brand relations management, select Network as the Zbird jewelry brand line extension case study analyzes carried out under its strategy of extending the line. Give advice to the network under the brand jewelry line extending help successful integration of online and offline channels to promote their healthy development.
Keyword: Network brand;Brand extension;Consumers
目 录
1 引言 5
1.1研究背景及意义 5
1.2研究内容 5
1.3本文创新点 5
2 文献综述 5
2.1品牌延伸相关研究 5
2.2网络品牌相关研究 6
2.3网络品牌线下延伸的研究 6
2.4研究存在的问题 7
3 网络珠宝品牌线下延伸的必要性 7
3.1网络珠宝品牌与传统珠宝品牌的区别 7
3.2消费者多渠道购物的趋势 8
3.3生产者多渠道发展的趋势 8
4 网络珠宝品牌线下延伸策略 9
4.1品牌认知 10
4.1.1媒介传播策略 11
4.1.2品质可感化策略 11
4.1.3互动体验传播策略 11
4.2品牌联想 11
4.2.1品牌叙事传播策略 11
4.2.2借助品牌代言人 12
4.2.3建立品牌感动 12
4.3感知质量 12
4.3.1感知产品质量 12
4.3.2感知服务质量 网络珠宝品牌线下延伸的策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_57961.html