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时间:2020-09-04 19:19来源:毕业论文



Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of tourism industry in the short term, due to a variety of factors, religious tourism alienation phenomenon is prominent in our country, some phenomenon has deviated from the essence of religious tourism and its original development. It has pushed Chinese religious tourism far away from the healthy development. Mainly displays in the tourism development behavior alienation, debase the religious culture, the commercialization, tourists consumption alienation and feudal superstition flood and so on. Seriously stop the sustainable development of religious tourism. The article chooses religious tourism alienation as the theme, analyze and study from the phenomenon to essence, causes to the countermeasures. 

Keywords:religious travel,dissimilation,sustainable development

目 录

1   前言: 4

2   研究综述 4

2.1  宗教旅游异化的定义 5

2.2  宗教旅游异化的内涵 5

3   宗教旅游异化的表现 6

3.1  管理者开发过于市场化、盲目商业化 6

3.2  政府指导观念落后,管理者经营思想出现偏差 7

3.3 管理者不科学地改变景区空间布局 8

3.4 从业者拜金化使景区商业化 9

3.5 旅游者宗教文化涵养较低,消费行为被异化 10

3.6 宗教旅游异化直接导致宗教文化商品化 10

4   宗教旅游异化的原因分析 11

4.1  功利社会的影响、物欲世界潮流的侵蚀 11

4.2 旅游管理体制不健全 12

4.3 社会教育、宣传有失偏颇,对旅游者缺乏正确的引导 12

4.4 旅游理论研究相对滞后,学科不够健全 12

4.5 旅游教育脱离实际,忽视学生人文素质的培养 12

5    宗教旅游异化现象的引导与矫正 13

5.1 树立科学的宗教旅游发展观,端正旅游发展观 13

5.2 强化宗教旅游的行业管理,整顿旅游景区经营秩序 14

5.3 提高旅游理论研究水平,加快构建学科理论体系 14

5.4 加强旅游法制建设工作,完善管理体系 14

5.5 引导景区旅游消费者合理消费,提高旅游者的宗教文化涵养 15

5.6 积极进行正确的社会宣传教育,营造健康的旅游氛围 宗教旅游异化问题及其对策浅析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_59933.html
