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时间:2020-10-25 21:35来源:毕业论文
考虑市场需求的前提下,采用了BP神经网络对未来短期内的需求进行预测,弥补了其他预测方法所不能做到的非线性研究。 并应用了达宝易软件确定了每个工位的标准工时, 以实现“期

摘要     随着经济的发展,大部分装配型企业订单逐渐呈现多品种、小批量的趋势,这就使得企业需要有较高的柔性及快速的响应能力。本文以某企业化油器装配线为背景,通过前期数据分析及调研,将企业化油器装配线由传统的流水型生产转变为单元生产,并在实验室对生产现场进行了改善及模拟。单元装配线设计的一个核心问题在于期量标准的制定,而期量标准的制定的关键是批量和提前期。本文在考虑市场需求的前提下,采用了BP神经网络对未来短期内的需求进行预测,弥补了其他预测方法所不能做到的非线性研究。 并应用了达宝易软件确定了每个工位的标准工时, 以实现“期”这个标准。 在确定需求预测和标准工时的基础上,一方面,本文采用了最优生产技术(OPT)来确定制造批量,同时确定了传输批量;另一方面,在传输批量为1,即“单件流”的背景下确定了生产提前期。企业采用更合理的“期”和“量”,可以大大减少装配过程中的装配时间,减少交货期限,同时实现生产的均衡。 58725
Research on the Standard of Scheduled Time and Quantity Based on Cell Production 
Abstract      With the development of the economy, most orders of assembly enterprise appear the trend of multi-variety and small-batch, which forces them to improve the flexibility and  speed of fast responding. This paper  is set on an assembly enterprise and investigates the sales volume to transform  the  traditional flow lines to the cell production and sets about the improvement and simulation of production site in the laboratory. One of the core problems of cell production is the study of scheduled time and quantity, the key problem of which  is batch and lead time. Therefore, this paper applies BP neural net to predict the demand of short period in future, which  is superior to other methods. Otherwise, the standard cycle time is established with the help of double-e software in order to determine the standard of time. Based on predicted demand and standard cycle time, the paper applies the optimal production technology to decide the number of production batch, the transferring batch also being confirmed  At the same time, the model  of shortest lead time  is  set up under the background of one piece flow.  With the aid of  scheduled time and quantity, the assembly time will be reduced  remarkably  and dead-time will be shortened, which will lead to production balance. 
Key words:  Cell production, Standard of scheduled time and quantity, Batch, Lead- time 


 1.绪论    1 

1.1 问题提出的背景及意义.  1 

1.1.1问题提出及背景  .  1 

1.1.2意义  .  1 

1.2 研究综述.  2 

1.3 研究内容和技术路线.  3 

1.3.1研究内容  .  3 

1.3.2技术路线图  .  4 

1.4 本章小结.  4 

2.相关理论基础   5 

2.1 单元生产.  5 

2.2 期量标准.  5 

2.2.1批量和生产间隔期  .  6 

2.2.2生产提前期  .  9 

2.3 标准作业  10 

2.3.1标准作业介绍    10 

2.3.2达宝易软件    10 

2.4 神经网络  11 

2.4.1神经网络的结构    11 

2.4.2 BP神经网络的算法实现  .  12 

3.企业计划现状及问题分析    13 

3.1 实际问题  14  单元生产下装配型企业期量标准制定问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_63713.html
