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时间:2022-05-09 21:45来源:毕业论文



 Research on enterprise recruitment mechanism under the age of Internet plus

Abstract: the relationship between recruitment to the construction of enterprise human resources personnel of enterprises, is an important guarantee for the implementation of the overall development strategy, the establishment of new enterprise talent recruitment mechanism how to use the Internet advantage + era, promote enterprise talent construction has become a hot topic。 At present, some enterprises began to realize that the Internet + era has brought opportunities for enterprise development, began to actively use the Internet platform to carry out recruitment activities of enterprise talent, but the whole process of recruitment, some enterprises can not master the Internet + era characteristics, a series of problems in the recruitment, recruitment, recruitment is standard procedure etc。。 It is hoped that the research of this paper can provide scientific reference for the enterprise recruitment mechanism under the current Internet + era, which will provide an important reference for improving the efficiency of enterprise recruitment。

Key words: Internet; enterprise recruitment; optimization

目  录

一、绪论 - 1 -

(一)研究背景与研究意义 - 1 -

(二)国内外研究文献 - 1 -

(三)研究方法与思路 - 2 -

(四)创新点与不足 - 2 -

二、互联网+时代企业人才招聘概述 - 2 -

(一)互联网+时代企业人才招聘概述 - 2 -

(二)互联网+时代企业人才招聘的模式 - 2 -

(三)互联网+时代企业人才招聘的特点 - 3 -

三、互联网+时代企业人才招聘问题分析 - 3 -

(一)缺少配套的管理制度 - 3 -

(二)没有合理的配置人力资源 - 4 -

(三)不重视员工的综合素质培训 - 4 -

(四)入职后满意度问题突出 - 4 -

(五)互联网+模式与传统渠道衔接不足 - 5 -

四、美国可口可乐网络招聘情况分析 - 5 -

(一)可口可乐简介 - 5 -

(二)可口可乐网络招聘模式分析 - 6 -

1。精细的招聘规划 - 6 -

2。严密的招聘组织 - 6 -

3。强有力的互联网招聘保障 - 6 -
