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时间:2021-01-08 20:06来源:毕业论文



Supervision status and analysis of Anyue Avenue in Sichuan

Abstract: As is known to all, the highway construction is the core of China's economic development. Highway construction industry is a sunrise industry with vigorous vitality in China. It brings economic and social benefits. As one of the parties of the Engineering participating, the supervision unit play a key role in the supervision, evaluation and other important functions of the construction. In western developed countries, the development and improvement of engineering supervision after nearly a hundred years has become more and more mature, and has been widely used in the developed industrial countries with the obvious economic benefits. The highway construction supervision industry develops fast in China, which also exposed the problems, such as the imperfect supervision system, the single scope of supervision, low fees and low quality of supervisor. Reasonable improvement of the current problems in the supervision industry contributes to a healthy development of China's highway construction industry and conforming to international standards.

Keywords: Highway engineering; supervision of the three major control; Supervision of the status quo

 目  录

引言 1

一、 公路工程项目监理概述 2

(一) 工程项目监理的基本概述 2

1、 工程项目监理的主要内容 2

2、 工程项目监理的性质 2

(二) 国内外工程项目监理的发展 3

1、 国外项目管理方式的演变 3

2、 国内外工程监理发展现状 3

二、 安岳大道公路工程质量监理 6

(一) 公路工程质量体系的建立 6

(二) 安岳大道工程质量控制的实施 6

1、 质量监理主要方法 6

2、 质量缺陷、质量隐患的现场处理 7

3、 工程质量事故处理实例 7

三、 安岳大道公路工程费用监理 9

(一) 工程费用的影响因素 9

(二) 工程费用监理的原则 10

(三) 工程费用的支付 10

(四) 安岳大道工程费用的监理方法 11

四、 安岳大道公路工程进度监理 12

(一) 工程进度监理的作用 四川安岳大道的监理现状与分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_68038.html
