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时间:2021-01-18 20:25来源:毕业论文




Development dilemma and Countermeasures of green logistics in agricultural products -- a case study of Yonghui

Abstract Green logistics, as a form of modern logistics, is consistent with the direction of sustainable development in the new period. Playing a good role in green logistics, which can achieve a win-win situation between environmental protection and economic development. However, green logistics started late in our country, and the development is still fell behind.

 Firstly, we found the typical problems in the development of green logistics in China by consulting the literature and documents, and then put these problems in a representative industry of agricultural products. Secondly, through the study on agricultural logistics in Yonghui supermarket enterprises, then using analytic hierarchy process to identify specific issues on the green logistics. Finally, through the method of fuzzy comprehensive analysis, we analyze the severity of these problems. On this basis, putting forward specific solutions to achieve a win-win model between resources saving and environment protecting.

Keywords: Green logistics; Agricultural products; Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation ;  Analytic hierarchy process;  Countermeasure

0 引言 1

1 理论综述 1

1.1 国内外研究综述 1

1.2 绿色物流评价指标体系研究 2

1.3 农产品物流的内涵界定 3

2 国内农产品绿色物流的现状分析 4

2.1 国内绿色物流发展状况 4

2.2 农产品绿色物流综合分析 6

2.2.1 AHP的基本原理 6

2.2.2 模糊综合评价法的基本原理 7

2.2.3 绿色物流实证分析——以永辉超市为例 7

2.2.4 绿色物流评价与启示 14

3 完善农产品绿色物流的对策 15

3.1 全员树立绿色物流意识、加大政府投入 15

3.2 加强农产品绿色物流的全面信息化建设 16

3.3 加大对物流基础设施、设备和技术的投入 17

3.4 完善绿色包装 17

结论 18

致谢 19

参考文献 20


0 引言

近几年,我国现代物流产业因为电商网络的推动而发展迅猛。2015年我国物流总额达到220万亿元,但同时也消耗了182.6亿个包装物,消耗的箱胶带可绕赤道425圈。这种经济快速发展的背后是资源浪费和环境污染的加剧。因此,以降低环境污染为目标的绿色物流是现代物流业的一个发展趋势。绿色物流是一种运用现代化的物流技术来计划和实施装卸搬运、仓储、流通加工、包装、运输等作业流程的活动过程,节约资源和降低污染是其目的。 永辉超市农产品绿色物流的发展困境及对策:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_68531.html
