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时间:2021-01-21 21:22来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The traditional folk custom is an important part of China's colorful culture, folk culture, isformed in a certain natural and historical background of the development andinheritance. This paper is based on the traditional folk culture of Bai nationality as a starting point, analysis of the significance of the traditional folk culture of Dali localtourism development, as well as to the existence of mutual promotion and mutual influence relationship between summary and narration. Folk culture and tourism and promote each other in the process of development, the advantages and disadvantages of the intersection. Provides an opportunity for the development of traditional folk cultureof Bai nationality in Dali tourism industry, and an important guarantee to the development of tourism in Dali, with the development of the tourism industry, the folk culture has beenspread and development of very good. But it also let the folk culture to a certain extent by the impact. Therefore, in the process of the development of Dali tourism industry, tourismdevelopers should pay attention to the development of tourism products projectprotection consciousness; actively play the leading role of government regulations of Dalitourism market; improve the folk cultural resources to protect people's consciousness and sense of responsibility, in the premise of sustainable development, adhere to the folk culture and tourism, tourism innovation the product, to realize the harmonious development of traditional folk culture in Bai and Dali tourism.

Key words: The Bai nationality folk custom culture ,Dali, tourism development

1. 前言.3

2. 大理的民俗文化4

2.1 工艺文化:扎染、剑川木雕.4

2.2 文化艺术..4

2.3 民居文化..4

2.4 服饰文化..5

2.5 节日文化..5

2.6 饮食文化..5

3. 白族民俗文化对大理旅游业发展的意义.5

3.1 白族民俗文化是大理旅游业发展的前提5

3.2 白族民俗文化是大理旅游业发展的重要支柱..6

4. 大理民俗文化旅游现状6

5. 白族民俗文化与旅游业发展的相互关系.8

5.1 白族民俗文化促进大理旅游业发展.8

5.2 大理旅游业发展反作用于白族民俗文化8

5.2.1 积极影响8

5.2.2 消极影响9

6. 民俗文化和旅游业的协调发展..10

6.1 提高旅游开发者对旅游产品项目的保护意识.10

6.2 积极发挥政府的主导作用..10

6.3 提高人们保护民俗风情资源的自觉性和责任感..10

6.4 丰富民俗风情资源内涵.10





   民俗是居住在不同地域的不同民族在一定自然环境和历史环境中,经历漫长时期逐渐形成、发展和传承下来的,是社会文化传承中约定俗成的习惯现象[1]。云南的旅游业起步较晚,然而其发展速度却很快,发展态势良好,尤其是自1999年中国昆明世界园艺博览会召开之后,云南省已初步建成旅游支柱产业[2]。由于其独特的风土民情以及近几年来影视剧的宣传和推广,使更多的游客对云南心驰神往,想要到当地亲身体验一下这个不一样的民族风俗。从上个世纪90年代以来,云南省委、省政府坚持从实际出发,把旅游业作为全省的支柱产业之一并随之制定相关政策以及采取了相关措施,大力推进旅游业的发展经过长久的努力,云南逐渐从旅游资源大省转化为旅游经济大省。而大理也成了来云南旅游的必经之地。大理州的旅游业最先形成和发展于1982年,大理旅游业到目前为止已初步成为其经济发展的支柱产业。它包含着人类在物质生产、经济贸易、社会活动、文化娱乐等方面。 白族传统民俗文化与大理旅游业的发展:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_68690.html
