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时间:2021-03-05 16:13来源:毕业论文


关键词  “80后”员工  工作价值观  感情承诺

毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

Title   "80"employees low emotional commitment to work values                     

Abstract  With the development of economic management,there are a large number of organizational commitment studies,at the same time,”80”generation has clearly become the main force in workplace.And their various work values has brought in challenge,therefore,the “80”generation in also the focus of research staff management issues.Phenomenon has become increasingly prominent in recent years,"80"generation low emotional commitment of employees in the workplace,the organization manifested,the article draw on the research literature in the past,feelings of commitment to organizational commitment perspective,employees to study for the “80”after,analyze the work values of the “80”employees in the organization low feelings of commitment phenomenon,research  staff”80”values and improve emotional commitment and intervention strategies to improve and strengthen “80”employees management.

Keyword  "80" employees   work values emotional commitment

目   次

1 绪论 2

1.1 选题背景 2

1.2 研究目的和意义 3

1.2.1 研究目的 3

1.2.2 研究意义 3

1.3 相关知识基础 4

1.3.1 组织承诺的内涵 4

1.3.2 感情承诺的影响因素 5

1.3.3 工作价值观对感情承诺的影响 7

2 “80后”员工低感情承诺现象及其工作价值观 8

2.1 “80后”员工的低感情承诺现象 8

2.2 “80后”员工的工作价值观 9

2.3 影响“80后”员工工作价值观的因素分析 12

3 提升“80后”员工感情承诺的工作价值观干预策略 14

3.1 干预的基本思路 14

3.2 干预的具体策略 16

结  论 18

致  谢 19

参考文献 20

 1 绪论

 1.1 选题背景

  随着经济的发展,“80后”员工已经成为了职场中的主力军,在各个组织中“80后”是支撑公司发展的强力的后备军,他们有着他们所拥有的独特的年轻力量影响着组织的各个部分,到2012年,最年轻的“80后”也已经登上了职场舞台,这代人是现在职场中不可或缺的发挥着主要力量。 “80后”员工低感情承诺的工作价值观分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_70903.html
