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时间:2021-05-31 22:50来源:毕业论文

摘 要:网络营销已成为营销发展的趋势,一个成功的企业必须建立起网络营销渠道,做到与传统的渠道优势互补、相互促进,才能立于不败之地,实现企业目标。纽盛特企业生产升降机,升降机在苏州望亭是最具经济影响力的产业,但是网络营销成为影响该地区公司企业发展主要“瓶颈”。本文将以苏州纽盛特机械公司网络营销为切入点,阐述该企业应用网络营销模式的现状,分析对比其存在的问题。最后提出了相应的解决对策。并深入探讨纽盛特升降机械网络营销策略,为该公司网络营销提供依据。以期为该公司的网络营销发展提供借鉴。67865

毕业论文关键词: 纽盛特,网络营销,营销模式,营销策略

Abstract::Network marketing has become the markete development tendency, a successful enterprise must establish a network Marketing channel, channel advantages do with traditional complementary, mutually promote, can remain invincible, to realize the goal of enterprise. Elevator in Suzhou Wang Ting is the most economic impact of the industry, but the network marketing has become the influence enterprise development in the main "bottleneck of regional corporation". This paper will take the Suzhou Niushengte machinery company network marketing as the breakthrough point, elaborated the present situation of enterprise application of networkmarketing model, and analysis its advantages, finally puts forward corresponding countermeasures, in-depth study of the marketing tactics of the network Niushengte lifting machinery brand, provide the basis for the company's network marketing. This paper will rely on the network marketing theory, combined with the present situation of Niushengtelifting machinery brand network marketing, network marketing in the analysis of the existingproblems, proposed in view of the network marketing strategies, so as to provide the reference for the company's network marketing development.

Keywords: niushengte, network marketing,  marketing model,  marketing strategy,

目  录

1 引 言 3

2  相关理论 3

2.1 4C理论 3

2.2 网络营销内涵 4

2.3 网络营销的特征 4

3 钮盛特网络营销现状分析 5

3.1 钮盛特企业简介 5

3.2 钮盛特企业网络销售概况 5

4  钮盛特网络营销中存在的问题 7

4.1 网络营销渠道过于单一 7

4.2 网络营销渠道推广策略落后 7

4.3 企业网络营销物流运输存在不足 8

4.4 企业网络营销定价标准 8

4.5 缺乏专业的网络营销人才 8

5 钮盛特网络营销有效运行对策 8

5.1 拓展网络营销渠道 8

5.2 加强实施多元化网络营销推广策略 9

5.3 完善第三方物流合作 9

5.4 加强企业价格营销策略 9

5.5 大力培养和引进高素质网络营销人才 10

结论: 11

参考文献 12

致谢 浅谈钮盛特机械有限公司的网络营销+4C理论:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_76234.html
