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时间:2021-06-09 20:46来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  新生代农民工  生存现状  对策  改善

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Study on the living condition and improvement of new generation of Migrant Peasant Workers in Shenzhen


Over the past 30 years since reform and opening-up , China’s economy has achieved the rapidly development , and all of this , the migrant workers play an important role . With the time changing, the first generation of migrant workers gradually steps off the stage of history and the new-generation migrant workers become the main body of migrant workers. Compared with the first generation of migrant workers, the new generation of migrant workers has their own different demands and dreams. Due to higher education, they care more about their future, and living condition. But look the situation these today, many problems, for example low-wage just like their parents, the problem of urban inclusion of the peasant workers, a series problem of social security and so on, plaguing them. In the new situation, how to solve these problems, explore the countermeasure of improving migrant worker’s living condition for their more dignified existence, is the major initiatives that insist to achieve the concept people centered development.

This article dissect the problem migrant workers faced for living and the possible reasons , and from government , business and the new generation of  personal migrant workers , proposed a solution to these problems . Through the research, hoping to provide a valuable reference for improving the living condition of the new- generation of migrant workers. 

Keywords  new generation migrant workers , living status , countermeasure , improvement

目   录

1 引言 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 文献综述 2

1.3 研究思路与方法 5

1.4 研究的主要内容和研究目的 5

2 研究深圳新生代农民工生存现状的重要性 7

2.1 新生代农民工的内涵和特征 7

2.1.1 定义 7

2.1.2 特征 8

2.2 研究改善深圳新生代农民工生存现状的重要性 10

2.2.1 改善农民工生存状况,构建和谐社会 10

2.2.2 推进新生代农民工的市民化 11

3 深圳新生代农民工现状调查及问题分析 深圳新生代农民工生存现状及改善对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_76586.html
