摘要我们小组本次毕业设计的策划对象是苏州口水娃食品有限公司,苏州口水娃食品有限公司是一家农业科技型企业,集休闲食品研发、制造、加工、营销为一体的新型企业。口水娃公司地处苏州太仓市建业路6号,紧靠着上海,有明显的地理区位优势。 在经营了8年以后,口水娃公司在苏南地区有着非凡的口碑,新的时期,口水娃食品将致力于整个江苏地区知名度提升,让更多的消费者熟悉。69284
毕业论文关键词:美食;江苏市场; 零食;知名度;品牌
KouShuiWa Jiangsu region awareness improvement
Abstract Our group of this graduation project is the Suzhou Kashiwa food co., LTD. Suzhou Kashiwa food co., LTD. Is an agricultural science and technology enterprises, collection of leisure food research and development, manufacturing, processing, marketing as one of the new enterprise. Kashiwa Company is located in Suzhou, Taicang Jianye road no. 6, close to Shanghai, has obvious geographical location advantages. After the operation for 8 years, Kashiwa Company in south Jiangsu has a special word of mouth, the new period, the Kashiwa food will be committed to improve the whole Jiangsu region awareness, let more consumers are familiar with.
We carry out a detailed investigation to Suzhou Koushuiwa food co., LTD. According to company's enterprise strength, we analyze the competitive situation of snack food industry. The questionnaire to the consumers in Jiangsu area was issued, and the data were collected and analyzed. To tap the consumer characteristics, consumption ability, purchase channels, and so on information and analyze the target consumer groups. Through the Jiangsu area of the major snacks competitors’ survey, to investigate their consumption purposes and consumer demand. According to the SWOT analysis of Koushuiwa, find out the advantage of Koushuiwa, weaknesses, threats and opportunities, to provide effective and feasible to enhance the visibility of the scheme.
We hope that through this brand promotion in Jiangsu region, KouShuiWa sales in Jiangsu region will have a periodic increase, the brand awareness will also get an obvious improvement.
Key Words: food; Jiangsu market; snacks; profile; brand
前 言我们毕业设计所服务的公司是真实的,遵守毕业设计要求,在指导老师和企业主管的指导下进行创作。苏州口水娃食品有限公司成立于2007年,集研发、生产、销售于一体的休闲食品实体企业。
江苏地区是中国经济发达地区之一,国外大量零食品牌凭借经济实力强大、技术先进,大量占据中国市场,而且零食产品也深受消费者的喜欢和称赞。通过这些年的运营,地位不断巩固占据江苏主要的市场份额。但是国内企业也不甘示弱,迅速崛起,迎合消费者口味和需求的产品不断生产。口水娃立足于本土零食品牌,从2007年至今,凭借价格上的优势,品质上的保证,也拥有了一批忠实的消费者,争取到了零食市场的一定份额。但是口水娃食品仅限在苏南及上海地区有较好的知名度,在江苏地区的消费者对口水娃这个品牌比较陌生,其品牌影响力相较于其他老牌零食产品来说,可以说是微乎其微。我们的毕业设计就是希望通过一系列换包装、线上线下的调整、口味上的改进等等手段,为口水娃公司扩大市场,提升品牌知名度,拉动江苏地区口水娃的销售,提升品牌影响力。 口水娃江苏地区知名度提升+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_78068.html