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时间:2021-07-20 23:18来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The Taking Changzhou City as the research sample area has been developed to reflect the index system of Changzhou city tourism industry system and regional economic system development level, in 2008 to 2015 years of statistical data describing the Changzhou City Tourism Industry and economic growth, by the coupling coordination degree model of Changzhou city tourism industry system and regional economic system coupling coordinated development for the empirical analysis. The results of the study show that: Changzhou tourism industry and regional economic development level has gradually ascending state, two systems are coupled coordination state is pided into two stages , at present two systems only in barely coordination state. Changzhou city should make full use of its own tourism resources and geographical advantages to promote tourism development, so that the tourism industry system and regional economic system to further enhance the level of coordination.

Key words: Changzhou City, tourism industry, regional economic , coupling coordination degree mod 


1  绪论 3

1.1研究背景和研究意义 3

1.2文献综述 3

1.3研究区域概况 4

2  研究方法及数据来源 4

2.1 指标体系的建立 4

2.2 耦合协调度评价模型及等级划分 6

2.3综合发展水平评价模型 7

2.4数据来源 8

3  结果分析 8

3.1常州市旅游产业与区域经济发展水平 9

3.2常州市旅游产业与区域经济发展耦合协调度 10

4结论 11

4.1旅游产业与区域经济耦合关系 11

4.2耦合度水平 11

4.3旅游产业对经济的促进作用 11

5建议 12

5.1推动转型升级,实现创新发展 12

5.2实施差异化发展策略,开发特色旅游产品 12

5.3强化公共服务,提升旅游质量 12

5.4加大对市场的开发宣传力度 13

结语 14

参考文献 15

致谢 16

1  绪论


改革开放以来,我国国内旅游产业取得了飞速的发展,旅游产业已经成功跻身为我国国内最具有活力且在国民经济中发展最快的行业之一。由于旅游产业的产业地位愈来愈重要,所以对经济的持续增长和社会的不断发展所作出的贡献也是愈来愈大,而且区域经济的迅速增长又促进提高了人们的收入水平和生活水平,从各个方面为旅游业的进一步发展提供支持,从而有力的推动了旅游产业的整体进步,而区域经济发展与旅游产业发展间又存在着紧密的联系,并且只有两者协调发展,才能实现共赢。 常州市旅游产业与区域经济耦合协调度分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_78676.html
