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时间:2021-09-09 20:29来源:毕业论文



 The application of traditional Chinese thought in modern enterprise management

 Abstract: Chinese traditional culture has rich humanistic thought, which is a valuable resource for modern enterprise management. The Confucian people-oriented thought enables managers to make good watch for subordinates, effectively regulate the system, and promote employee loyalty. Taoism is a quiet mind that allows managers to manage their teams more effectively ,Always keep a clear mind and achieve nothing.The self-cultivation and kindness in buddhist thought can improve the quality of managers and employees, and create a harmonious atmosphere in the enterprise. Traditional humanistic thought creatively applied to the modern enterprise management, can make the management more scientific and more effective management team and the enterprise, create more excellent corporate culture, motivate staff enthusiasm and loyalty to serve enterprises.

  Keywords :enterprise、humanistic thought、managers、employee


一、 绪论 1

二、 儒家人本思想 1

(一) 孔子的人本思想 1

(二) 孟子与荀子的人本思想 2

三、 道家人本思想 3

(一) 道家人本思想 3

1. 无为而治 3

2. 清静 3

3. 宽容的心态 3

4. 不争 3

四、 佛家人本思想 4

(一) 佛家人本思想概述 4

五、 传统人本思想对现代企业管理的启示 5

(一) 儒家人本思想与现代企业人本管理 5

1. 作为管理者为下属做出好的表率 5

2. 制度规范 5

3. 员工忠诚度 5

(二) 道家人本思想对现代企业管理的启示 6

1. “清静无为”才能有为 中国传统人本思想在现代企业管理中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_81512.html
