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时间:2021-09-12 21:00来源:毕业论文

摘  要:在大众休闲时代,人们休闲养生观念正在形成,康养旅游逐渐成为一种潮流,市场前景非常广阔。连云港依山傍海,人文荟萃,开发康养旅游产品优势明显。本文从连云港康养旅游的目标人群、市场开发、康养旅游项目规划、特色康养产品设计与包装等方面出发,全面分析连云港康养旅游,认为连云港康养旅游市场应与时俱进,在开发与保护并举的基础上,以疗休相结合为理念,充分利用本地自然资源和人文资源,突出地方特色,并统一布局,统筹规划,促使相关产业联动发展,是连云港旅游更好发展的新思路。71888


Abstract: In the era of mass leisure, people's awareness of leisure and health-keeping are rising。 With health and wellness tourism  becoming a trend, its market prospect is very bright。Surrounded by mountains and the sea ,and with abundant human and cultural resources, lianyungang has an obvious advantage of developing health and wellness tourism products 。 This thesis argues that LianYunGang's tourism develpoment new ideas should advance with times。 The development of its health and wellness tourism market, based on both development and protection and centering around the combination of health and leisure concept, should make the most of local natural resourses and human and cultural resources, highlighting local features。 At the same time, under the guidance of unified layout and overall planning, relevant industries can be promoted to develop as well。 

Keywords: Lianyungang; Health and wellness tourism; Health and wellness resources; Exploitation and utilization

目   录

1前言 6

2连云港康养旅游者概述 6

2。1社会人口结构老龄化 6

2。2连云港康养旅游者的形成及培养 7

2。3连云港康养旅游的市场开拓和营销 8

3连云港康养旅游资源及产品开发 13

3。1连云港康养旅游资源开发利用 13

3。2连云港特色康养产品的开发 16

4连云港康养旅游的规划与实施 18

4。1连云港康养旅游规划思路 18

4。2连云港康养旅游业的运作 20

4。3连云港康养旅游的管理 22

结语 24

参考文献 25

致  谢 26

1  前言


    正如《湖上闲思录》所述“城市人终需回归乡村”。乡村独具魅力的养生资源成为“暂时逃离城市”的现代人的首选福地。同时,随着人均收入的不断增长、假日时间的调整与增多、节假日高速免费通行等优惠政策的颁布与实施,极大地促进郊区游、周边游等短线旅游的发展。因此,康养旅游应运而生。 连云港康养旅游资源开发利用研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_81656.html
