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时间:2021-09-27 20:28来源:毕业论文


Abstract How in the protection of fragile ecological environment and the establishment of eco city, is the important content of the research on the sustainable development of arid area, environment, society and economy。 Therefore, it is necessary to discuss how to scientific, reasonable formulation of suitable environmental planning of eco city in arid areas, to achieve urban economic construction and the coordinated development of the urban environment is studied and discussed。 In Xinjiang's Hotan city as the research object, and actively explore development model of eco city in Xinjiang, to seek the path of positive interaction between urbanization and ecological environment and coordinated development of and the economic development level is low, to deal with ecological environment deterioration and climate change ability relatively weak in Xinjiang region with heavy Significance。 In comprehensive analysis of Hotan city economy, environment, society on the basis, the establishment of index system of eco city, in recent years and Hotan City ecology urban construction present situation evaluation and find out the restriction factor。The problems existing in the construction of ecological city proposed the following countermeasures。

毕业论文关键词:干旱地区;生态城市; 指标体系; 存在问题;对策研究:和田市

Keyword: Arid area;Eco City; Index system; Existing problems;Countermeasure research;Hotan

目    录

1。绪论 4

1。1选题背景 4

1。2选题发展概况 4

1。2。1国外发展趋势 4

1。2。2国内发展趋势 4

1。3选题意义 5

2。生态城市建设能力的评价与分析 6

2。1生态城市建设必要性 6

2。1。1和田市概况 6

2。1。2生态城市建设的基础理论 6

2。1。3生态城市建设是干旱区城市发展的必然选择 7

2。2生态城市评价指标体系的构建 7

2。2。1采集数据的来源及处理 7

2。2。2权重的确定和分析 7

2。2。3 生态城市评价指标体系 8

2。2。4评价标准和结果 9

3。和田市生态城市建设 10

3。1 存在问题 10

3。2 建设对策 10

4。结语 10

致  谢 干旱区生态城市和田建设存在问题分析与研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_82350.html
