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时间:2022-04-22 22:59来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  企业文化  企业生命周期  阿里巴巴集团 

Title   To  be  or  not  to  be ? - Ali  corporate  culture  analysis  based  on  corporate  life  cycle  theory                 


Abstract In recent years, since Ali corporate listed, the outside world for the listed company equity structure, integrity issue, other debate unceasingly in the disclosure of information, in early 2015, Ali corporate is by collective action in the United States, has been accused of misleading statement on double tenth sales forecast result in the share price is overvalued and damage the shareholder interests, and hid in pre-market regulatory investigation had been industrial and commercial bureau。 Mr Ma himself returned: to be listed, don't be afraid to be a lawsuit。Ali corporate, since establishment, the good faith has always been one of its core values, now face the outside world all sorts of questions of the corporate core values, Ali corporate whether in terms of corporate culture be born out of the question, in the face of the continuous development of internal and external environment, whether its corporate culture needs to change, need what kind of change, such as how to, will directly affect the Ali corporate, the survival in the future。 

Keywords    corporate culture    corporate life  cycle    Ali corporate

目   次

1  绪论 1

1。1 研究的背景和目的  1

1。1。1 研究的背景 1

1。1。2 研究的目的和意义 1

1。2 研究的对象和主要问题  1

1。2。1 研究的对象 1

1。2。2 研究的主要问题 2

1。3 相关文献述评  2

1。4 研究方法和文章结构安排  2

1。4。1 研究的思路与方法  3

1。4。2 文章结构安排  3

2 相关理论概述4

2。1企业文化理论 4

2。1。1 企业文化的含义结构和类型  4

2。1。2 企业文化的功能  4

2。1。3 企业文化变革  5

2。2企业生命周期理论  5

2。2。1 企业生命周期含义  5

2。2。2 麦迪思对企业生命周期论述  5

2。2。3 麦迪思PAEI模型对企业文化的诊断 6

2。2。4 麦迪思的企业诊疗过程  6

3  阿里巴巴集团企业文化  8

3。1阿里巴巴集团企业发展演变过程  8

3。2阿里公司所遇到的问题  8

3。2。1 企业文化自身的问题  8

3。2。2 电子商务诚信问题 8

3。2。3 快速扩张所带来的协同问题  9

3。3阿里巴巴集团企业文化诊断  9 企业生命周期视角的阿里企业文化分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_92991.html
