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时间:2022-06-04 12:33来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词:网络游戏;发展现状;网易游戏公司;《阴阳师》 ;营销策略

The Marketing Strategy And Analysis Of Online game “yin Yang Shi “

Abstract:The Internet has changed many of our direction of development and the way things are perceived, online games in the Internet platform has been rapid development。 As 90, have spent some energy and time on a variety of different games, so for the online game experience and ideas will have a more in-depth understanding。 Online games in China's huge population market, the prospects for development will be bright, so there will be a large number of enterprises and capital influx of online game market。 Along with these enterprises and capital continued to flow into the industry, and thus more rapidly changing gaming market competition rules, these are great change will become a common concern of all the game makers and thinking problems。   

    Now under the environment of market economy, many game manufacturers how to carve up the network game this huge cake, you need to test all aspects of the game manufacturers, and game marketing strategy has become an important cornerstone of these factors。

The current situation and development trend of the company's WangYi in 2016 launched a game "Yin Yang Shi"as the starting point, in the development process for the time node, so as to analyze and study the interpretation of its marketing strategy, and explore the deep-seated knowledge of its marketing strategy, and put forward reasonable suggestions related。

Key words: online game; development status; WangYi game company; "Yin Yang Shi"; marketing strategy


引言 1

一 、网易游戏阴阳师背景介绍 2

(一) 网易公司简介 2

(二)《阴阳师》简介 2

(三) 阴阳师发展现状 2

二、 网络游戏营销策略 4

(一) 网络游戏市场细分 4

(二) 网络游戏主要营销策略 4

1。产品策略 5

2。定价策略 5

3。分销渠道策略 6

4。促销策略 6

三、阴阳师营销策略分析 7

(一)《阴阳师》前期营销推广 网易网络游戏阴阳师营销策略分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_94854.html
