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时间:2022-06-04 14:10来源:毕业论文

摘要: 中小型企业在传统的商业营销模式下的营销主要依靠于搭建营销渠道,这样做极大程度的暴露了中小型企业在竞争能力方面的劣势,不利于其自身的发展。伴随着自媒体网络的不断发展,中小企业如何更好地、更高效地去利用大环境下的优势不断发展自身,从而在经济竞争中成为佼佼者,这样的环境使得中小型企业有更大的选择空间。本文鉴于电子商务快速发展的环境下,以十月妈咪为论文的研究对象,从宏观和微观的两个层次来进行分析,探究电子商务给广大中小企业发展带来了契机,为中小企业如何采取有效的营销策略,借助电子商务的优势和特点,实现自身的良好发展提供理论依据。81285

毕业论文关键词: 电子商务平台;中小企业;营销策略

Research on marketing strategy of small and medium   sized enterprises based on e-commerce platform

Abstract: Under the traditional business model, the marketing activities of small and medium-sized enterprises mainly rely on the construction of marketing channels, which is relatively unfavorable to the development of SMEs, but also exposed their lack of market competitiveness。 With the continuous development of network media, small and medium-sized enterprises to better and more efficient to use under the environment of the continuous development of their own advantages, which in the economic competition in the small and medium-sized enterprises have the talent shows itself, make more choices。 In this paper, based on the rapid development of e-commerce environment, as the research object of this paper to October mummy, analyzed from two levels of macro and micro research, electronic commerce brings the opportunity to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, how to adopt effective marketing strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises, with the advantages and characteristics of electronic commerce, provide a theoretical basis for the realization of the sound development of its own。

Key words: e-commerce platform; medium-sized and small enterprises; marketing strategy

目  录

摘要 I

一、绪论 1

(一)研究的背景与意义 1

(二)国内外研究现状 2

(三)研究内容与方法 3

二、电子商务对中小企业产品营销的影响 4

(一)电子商务发展的背景 4

(二)传统营销的特点 4

(三)电子商务对传统营销的影响 4

(四)电子商务与传统营销需要相互促进、整合 5

三、国内母婴产品企业网络营销现状分析 6

(一)国内母婴企业发展现状 6

(一)国内母婴产品企业传统营销模式存在的问题 8

(二)国内母婴产品企业行业网络营销现状分析及竞争环境 8

四、十月妈咪电子商务平台营销环境分析 10

(一)十月妈咪公司简介 10

(二)十月妈咪公司营销现状以及存在的问题 10

1、十月妈咪营销现状 10

2、十月妈咪的网络营销程度PEST分析 10

3、十月妈咪的网络营销程度SWOT分析 电子商务平台的中小企业产品营销策略研究+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_94884.html
