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时间:2022-08-20 10:56来源:毕业论文

摘 要随着科技的发展,网购逐渐成为我们生活中不可缺少的部分,越来越多的消费者不满足于现实的消费,网络购物的兴起不仅给人们生活带来了极大的便利,还带来了新的互联网经济模式。淘宝个人网店的开设,充分满足消费者的消费欲望,使网店这种消费模式成为市场的推动力。淘宝作为电子商务的领军者,占据垄断地位,淘宝个人网店成为了许多年轻人创业的的首选,因此,研究淘宝的个人网店营销策略对淘宝的发展将有重大意义。本文通过对淘宝木艺阁个人网店的分析,以木艺阁个人网店为例采用SWOT分析法对木艺阁红木精品店进行剖析,研究木艺阁的优势劣势发展状况,对木艺阁的营销策略进行探讨和研究,并提出相应的营销策略和发展模式,巩固木艺阁的优势竞争地位,对我淘宝个人网店的发展提供营销策略的发展建议和实践价值。83273

毕业论文关键词: 木艺阁 淘宝个人网店 营销策略 SWOT分析

Title A study on Marketing Strategy of MUYIGE taobao shop 


With the development of technology, online shopping has gradually become an indispensable for our live,more and more consumers are not satisfied with the reality of consumption, the rise of online shopping is not only brought great convenience for people's living, but also brought the new Internet economy model。An inpidual shop opened on Taobao fully meet the consumer's desire and make this consumption pattern shop to become the driving force of the net-market。Taobao as a e-commerce leader,open a shop on Taobao has become a personal choice for many young entrepreneurs, so the study of inpidual shop on Taobao marketing strategy development will have great significance。This article through the analysis of inpidual shop MUYIGE and  MUYIGE used as an example of SWOT analysis Redwood boutiques analyze,By studying the advantages and disadvantages and development of the MUYIGE to disuess and study in order to propose appropriate marketing strategy and development model, to consolidate the competitive position of the MUYIGE's advantage。Provide the advice of marketing strategy development and practical value to promote the development of my personal shop on Taobao。

KeywordsMUYIGE  Taobao shop personal  marketing strategy  SWOT analysis

目 次

1 引言 1

 1。1 选题研究的背景1

 1。2选题研究的目的及意义 1

 1。3 选题研究的内容与研究方法2

2 淘宝木艺阁个人网店现状及特点 3

 2。1 淘宝木艺阁个人网店发展过程及现状3

 2。2 木艺阁个人网店特点5


 3。1淘宝青川海伶山珍个人网店简介 6

 3。2产品的开发与选取 6

 3。3产品定价 6

 3。4渠道 7

 3。5产品推广 7

 3。6品牌策略 7

4淘宝木艺阁红木精品店SWOT分析 8

 4。1优势 8

 4。2劣势 8

 4。3机会 9

 4。4威胁 9

5 淘宝木艺阁个人网店营销现状分析10



 5。3 促销推广分析 11

6淘宝木艺阁跟人网店营销策略改进 12









1 引言

1。1 选题研究的背景

 随着科技的发展,国家经济增长和居民消费水平提高,网购商品品类逐步扩展,网购慢慢成为生活中不可缺少的部分,越来越多的消费者不满足于现实的购买行为,而寻求更为快捷的购买方式,伴随着迅速崛起的B2C模式,这就使得网购这种消费模式成为购买主流,由于个人网店门槛低、操作简单,所以淘宝个人网店的开设,也充分满足消费者的消费欲望,使网店这种模式成为消费市场的推动力。论文网 淘宝木艺阁个人网店营销策略研究+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_98047.html
