- 上一篇:炸药爆炸产物后燃反应能量的计算方法研究
- 下一篇:电解铜箔表面化学粗化改性工艺研究
毕业论文关键词 火灾荷载, 火灾荷载密度, 火灾增长因子 ,商业建筑
Title Use of fire load density analysis to assess
Comprehensive commercial building fire risk
In this paper, by the use of fire load density analysis ,we studied the risk of comprehensive commercial buildings. The research area is typical places of high fire load density. These areas are clothing shops,Daily necessities shops, Appliances shops, Department stores, kitchen and restaurant. According to the research analysis, it can be seen that the building fire load density of clothing shops is 573.62MJ/m2,,Daily necessities shops is 402MJ/m2,Appliances Shop is 369.16MJ/m2, Department Store is 918MJ/m2,,kitchen is 421.90MJ/m2 and restaurant is 235.70MJ/m2.By comparing literature survey, reference data, we found the building's fire growth factors, which is 0.04689KW/m2s2. According to fire growth factors, we could predict the way of the fire spreading. Simultaneously, According to the fire load density data and Fire growth factor, we think that the building is a member of high fire risk buildings.
Keywords fire load ,fire load density ,fire growth factors,commercial buildings
1引言 1
1.1研究目的与意义 1
1.2研究进展及存在的问题 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 3
1.2.3存在的问题 4
1.3主要目的和研究内容 4
2 火灾荷载的确定方法 5
2.1火灾荷载概述 5
2.2火灾载荷估测的假设 5
2.3火灾荷载调查程序 6
2.4.1 房间面积的确定方法 6
2.4.2 可燃物统计方法 6
2.4火灾荷载的计算方法 6
2.5本章小结 7
3.某综合性商业建筑火灾荷载密度的计算及分析 7
3.1火灾荷载数据分布规律分析 7
3.1.1涉及材料及物品热值 7
3.2 商店的火灾载荷密度 9
3.2.1家电类商铺 9
3.2.2服装类商铺 10
3.2.3生活用品类商铺 11
3.3 百货公司 12
3.4 餐厅及厨房 13
3.5综合性商业建筑火灾危险度评估 15
3.6 本章小结 17
4 某综合性商业建筑火蔓延特性的预测 18
4.1火灾的类型 18
4.2火灾增长因子的确定 19
4.3 本章小结 20
结论 22