


    Amphiphiles refers to a molecule which contains both hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts. They can self-assemble in solution or at the solid/liquid interface to form molecular assemblies with defined size and shape, such as vesicles and micelles. Now efforts have been shown that some methods can effectively increase the stability of self-assembled structures. For example, introducing mesogenic (especially the groups contain strong π—π interaction) or polymerizable groups into bolaamphiphiles. However, the different hydrophobic alkyl chain lengths, hydrophilic head groups, hydrogen bonds and so on, which can also be the factors affecting the stability of self-assembled structures. Based on these studies, we designed and synthesized a series of bolaamphiphiles, which characterized by different number of hydrogen bonds as well as the length of the mesogenic groups. Then, we studied the principle of their self-assembly behavior by electron microscopy and other methods . It is concluded that when the number of hydrogen bonding is increased,the CMC of bola amphiphiles is lowed.

     Key words: bolaamphiphiles; self-assemble; hydrogen bonds


    摘要 2

    Abstract 3

    目录 4

    第一章 绪论 5

    1.1 研究背景 5

    1.2 两亲性分子概述 5

    1.3临界胶束浓度 6

    1.3.1临界胶束浓度的形成 6

    1.3.2临界胶束浓度的测定方法 7表面张力 7电导率 7

    1.4 bola型两亲性分子 7

    1.4.1 bola型两亲性分子的发展 7

    1.4.2 bola型两亲性分子的自组装 8

    1.4.3 自组装结构稳定化的方法 8 引入刚性介晶基团 8 强π-π叠加作用 9 氢键 9

    1.5 本论文的研究目的和思路 9

    第二章 氢键对bola型两亲性分子自组装行为的影响研究 10

    2.1实验部分 10

    2.1.1实验药品 10


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