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时间:2023-03-23 23:00来源:毕业论文


This study selected two primary schools in Hangzhou。 There are 184 students and 143 parents answer the questionnaire about picture book reading。 At the same time, two teachers were interviewed about picture book teaching。 The results showed that:(1) Lots of upper-grade students interested in classical reading,but the time they spend in classical reading is little。 (2) Parents support classical reading,but they seldom take part in it with their children。 (3) Teacher’s instructional strategies in classical reading has some deviation,and the textbooks is chose at will。 (4) The time to carry out the classical reading by primary schools is too little,and the degree of classical reading is not deep。This study attempts to know the related situation in Hangzhou through analyzing the findings, and gives some feasible suggestions and views on classical reading and teaching in primary school, thereby possibly impacting the upper-grade classical reading instruction。


    Keyword: classical reading ; upper-class primary school ; classical reading instruction 

目    录

一、 引言 1

(一) 经典诵读研究的背景与意义 1

1. 课题研究的背景 1

2. 课题研究的意义 1

(1) 理论依据 1

(2) 本课题研究的意义 2

(二) 课题研究的现状 3

1. 关于经典诵读的价值研究 3

2. 关于经典诵读的误区调查 4

3. 关于经典诵读的教学策略研究 4

(三) 关键词界定 5

1. 经典 5

2. 诵读 6

3. 经典诵读 6

二、 课题研究的内容与方法 6

(一) 研究内容 7

1. 现状调查 7

2. 对策研究 7

(二) 研究方法 7

1. 问卷调查法 7

2. 访谈法 7

三、 杭州市小学高段经典诵读现状的调查分析 8

(一) 数据收集 8

(二) 小学高段经典诵读现状的调查结果及成因分析 9

1. 对学生的调查情况及成因分析 9

(1) 大部分学生对经典诵读感兴趣 9

(2) 小学生诵读经典的内容比较广泛 小学高段经典诵读的现状调查与对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_151814.html
