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时间:2023-04-03 20:01来源:毕业论文

摘要在赏识教育、创新教育等新的教育理念渐入人心的今天,课堂奖励因其激励性和教育性 的价值,逐渐成为小学教师常用的一种课堂教学管理手段。笔者通过问卷调查、课堂观察 等方法,从小学教师对课堂奖励的认识、奖励目的、奖励频率、奖励时机、奖励公平、奖励 对象、奖励方式等方面来研究小学教师对于课堂奖励的认识和实施现状,揭示了当前小学教 师缺乏对奖励负面作用的认识、奖励频率过高、奖励有失公平、忽视个体差异、凭借经验制 定等不合理的课堂奖励现象,并提出了一些相应的建议:加强学习,提高对负面作用的认识; 公平公正,正确看待成绩差异;完善标准,注重奖励的针对性;丰富类型,注重奖励的多样 性;关注学生,师生共同制定奖励规则等。希望对小学教师合理实施课堂奖励有所帮助。88162

Currently, in the background of appreciation education and innovation education, such as the new education idea gradually into the heart, classroom reward for its incentive and educational value, gradually becomes a used kind method of classroom teaching and management of primary school’s teacher。 By the way of questionnaires and classroom observations, the author researches the current situation of primary school teachers’ understanding and implementation of classroom rewards in terms of the classroom reward understanding, the wroth of reward, incentive frequency, time, incentives fair, the object of reward, rewards method of primary school teachers, which reveals unreasonable phenomenon of classroom rewards, including lack of awareness of the negative effects of reward, too high frequency of rewards, unfair rewards, ignoring inpidual differences, making rules with experience。 And puts forward some corresponding suggestions: by enhancing learning, we should raise awareness of the negative effects; by being fair, we should hold correct view of achievement differences; by improving standards, we should focus on the pertinence of rewards; by rich the type of rewards, we should pay attention to the persity of rewards; pay attention to students, teachers and students to develop incentive rules together。 The survey and research is in the hope of helping primary school teachers to implement classroom rewards reasonably。源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

毕业论文关键词:小学教师; 课堂奖励; 奖励实施

Keywords:Primary school teachers; Classroom rewards; The implementation of rewards

一、引言 5

(一)问题的提出 5

(二)研究意义 5

1、丰富小学教育中课堂奖励问题的理论 5

2、提高小学教师对课堂奖励的正确认识 6

3、有利于小学教师合理实施课堂奖励 6

(三)国内外研究综述 6

1、国内研究现状 6

2、国外研究现状 7

(四)核心概念界定 8

1、奖励 8

2、课堂奖励 8

二、研究对象与研究方法 9

(一)研究对象 9

(二)研究方法 10

1、文献分析法 10

2、问卷法 10

3、课堂观察法 小学教师课堂奖励的现状调查及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_155519.html
