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时间:2023-05-02 21:24来源:毕业论文

摘要中国走过了三十多年的改革开放历程,经济迅速发展的同时伴随着社会贫富差距拉大, 这已经对社会公平秩序产生了威胁,反映在教育领域就是教育不公平现象频发。城乡二元结 构下,中国城市和农村教育存在各方面的差距。农村生活着九百多万的留守儿童,这个庞大 而特殊的群体需要一个公平的教育环境。所以,本文的研究是在查阅各类文献资料的基础上, 对受教育群体进行问卷调查,然后根据调查结果,对比留守儿童与非留守儿童的教育差距, 找出造成差距的原因所在,最后提出科学合理的建议,总结全文。文章创新性在于从学生角 度出发,深刻直观地找出问题所在,为后文提出对策提供真实的依据。实现教育公平特别是 留守儿童群体的教育公平,需要政府主导、家校配合、社会合作,只有这样,才能早日达成 和谐教育。88569

China through more than thirty years of reform and opening up, the rapid economic development with the social gap between rich and poor, which has been a threat to social justice, reflected in the field of education is frequent education unfair phenomenon。 Under the urban-rural dual structure, there are various aspects of the gap between the city and the rural education。 There are about nine million left behind children in rural areas, and this huge and special group needs a fair education environment。 Therefore, this research is based on access to all kinds of literature data, questionnaire survey on educational groups, then according to the survey results, comparison of left-behind children and non-left-behind children's education gap, find out the reasons causing the gap, finally put forward the scientific and reasonable suggestions and summarize the research。 The innovation of this paper is to find out the problem from the angle of the students, and to provide the real basis for the latter。 The realization of educational equity, especially the educational equity of the left-behind children group, needs the government led, home school cooperation and social cooperation。 Only in this way we can reach a harmonious education as soon as possible。


Keyword:left-behind children;education fairness;urban-rural gap

一、引言 4

(一)选题背景源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 及意义 4

(二)主要研究方法 4

(三)研究内容和目标 4

二、理论基础概述 5

(一)教育公平理论 5

(二)公品理论 6

(三)教育投资理论 7

三、留守儿童教育不公平性的现状分析 7

(一)调查问卷的设计 7

1、衡量教育公平的指标体系 8

2、问卷发放与回收情况 8

(二)调查问卷的数据分析 8

1、受调查者个人情况 8

2、留守儿童群体与非留守儿童群体的教育差异 10

(三)实地调查分析 14

四、留守儿童教育不公平性的原因分析 15

(一)影响教育公平的From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766 经济因素 留守儿童教育公平性问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_163894.html
