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时间:2023-05-16 20:37来源:毕业论文


  This essay applies interview method、observational survey and other methods synthetically,through author interviews sixty teachers in the two kindergartens of Hangzhou and observes children behavior in one regular life;understanding the important、outstanding problem types of  psychological health at children different ages :primary class:emotion、middle class:social adjustment、the top class in a kindergarten:volitional quality 。 Meanwhile, aim at early childhood education teachers are short of effective strategies and methods of psychological health education at present, author proposes the point of bringing picture books in psychological health education course; Aim at the result of the research, author try to exploit related course about children psychological health through picture books as medium and provides persified strategies about how to use picture books to carry on education course of  psychological health for early childhood education teachers。

毕业论文关键词:幼儿; 心理健康; 绘本; 课程开发

  Keyword:Children; Psychological health; Picture book; Course exploitation 



摘要: 2

关键词: 2

Abstract: 2

Keyword: 2

一、研究缘起 4

二、研究目的与方法(包括研究对象) 5

(一)研究目的 5

(二)研究对象与方法 6

1、研究对象 6

2、研究方法 6

三、结果呈现 8

(一)各年龄段幼儿重点心理问题的类型是不同的(见表1图1图2图3) 8

(二)幼儿教师解决幼儿心理健康问题的策略以语言引导、家园合作为主,比较单一(见表2) 12

四、利用绘本,开发幼儿心理健康课程的设想 13

(一)绘本的特点与优势 13

1、绘本的起源 13

2、绘本的特点 13

3、绘本的优势 14

(二) 绘本课程开发的实践 14

1、针对小班情绪情感方面的源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 心理健康教育课程 14

2、针对中班社会适应方面的心理健康教育课程 17

3、针对大班意志品质方面的心理健康教育课程 以绘本为媒介开发幼儿心理健康课程的研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_167786.html
