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时间:2023-05-16 20:00来源:毕业论文







毕业论文关键词:幼儿园生命教育; 现状; 策略; 死亡教育

Abstract As the rising of life education in the 1960s in America, life education populated the world and became an ideological trend day by day。 Education in our country starts in Taiwan and Hong Kong, however mainland China imports it in late 1990s。 Therefore, life education in mainland China is still in initial stage and don’t have well-established system of education。 And its main object to concern is the student of primary school, high school and university, its research on preschool child is still little。 Preschool period is very significant to one person’s full life, so it’s essential to develop there correct view of life and help them know the value of life。 Thus, my research of this thesis hope to remind people of the importance of preschool child’s education of life by the research of preschool life education。 I also rethinks the current situation of preschool life education and puts forward my idea of education as I hope to help the development of preschool life education。 My research is pided into 4 parts:

Part Ⅰ: The current development situation of preschool life education。 Firstly, take some countries and areas that develops well in education of life as examples and analyze their development history and current situation。 Then analyze the origin of life education and whole situation in our country。 Lastly, state the reason of my research。

Part Ⅱ: The design of research。 It includes research purpose, research methods, research objects and research process。

Part Ⅲ: The current situation of life education and analysis。 Take 4 kindergartens of Hangzhou as examples, take preschool teachers on the job as respondents and investigate their understanding and attitude to life education by questionnaire。 By the questionnaire, we can also know of the truth and troubles。 With the responds of these teachers, they widely acknowledge the importance of life education but get trapped by the lack of teaching resource。 And these teachers also think it may be influenced by traditional thoughts。 Therefore, the right way to solve it is clearing the target of preschool life education and establishing the content of life education。 学前生命教育现状及策略思考:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_167773.html
