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时间:2023-06-11 21:05来源:毕业论文
在校大学生吸烟知信行调查分析采用分层整群随机抽样的方法,将我校所有二 级学院分为文史、理工、医学和艺体四大类

摘要 目的:了解我校学生对烟草以及吸烟危害方面的认知、态度以及吸烟相关行为的情况, 并对控烟禁烟提出相应的意见及建议。方法:采用分层整群随机抽样的方法,将我校所有二 级学院分为文史、理工、医学和艺体四大类,在各类中随机抽取到外国语学院、理学院、医 学院和体育学院为研究对象;每个学院随机抽取 1~2 个班,总共对 160 人进行了问卷调查。 用卡方分析对不同学院、年级等学生的知信行情况进行分析。结果:共收回有效问卷 142 份,男生 54 人,占 38%,女生 88 人,占 62%。尝试吸烟率为 61。3%,吸烟率为 4。2%。在烟 草有害成分的认知方面,碳氧化物和一氧化碳知晓率均为 57。7%,放射性物质知晓率为 10。6%。 不同年级学生对焦油和一氧化碳的认知有差异,大一学生对两者的知晓率分别为 56。3%和 25%,大四则为 95。5%和 45。5%;不同学院学生对尼古丁的认知有差异,医学院学生对尼古丁 的知晓率为 97。7%,而体育学院仅为 65。4%;不同吸烟状态的学生对一氧化碳的认知有差异。 在吸烟可能引起的疾病的认知方面,心血管疾病知晓率为 47。9%,消化系统疾病知晓率为 47。2%,约有 10。6%的学生选择了“吸烟可能会引发乙肝”这一错误选项。不同学院、不同 年级的学生在心血管疾病的认知方面有差异。大学生了解烟草危害知识的途径主要是电视、 广播与网络;大多数人是由于好奇心(72。4%)以及身边人的影响(52。9%)而尝试吸烟,时 间多分布在高中时期(46%),大学期间的也占有较大的比例(21。8%)结论:为改善大学生 对烟草的认知情况,应当加强健康教育,改进对烟草危害的认知,并适当拓展禁烟控烟的教 育渠道;为改善大学生对烟草的态度情况,应引导、帮助大学生树立禁烟控烟的信念;主动 远离烟草,在劝阻别人吸烟时对其进行适当的健康教育;为更好地做到控烟禁烟,营造健康 家庭及学校氛围引导大学生用积极的方法缓解压力、摆脱烦恼;最后,有关部门可通过相关 法律法规为控烟禁烟创造一个良好的社会环境。89072

Abstract:Objective: to understand the students' perceptions and attitudes about tobacco and smoking hazards and related smoking behaviors, and to put forward relevant opinions and suggestions on tobacco control and smoking ban。 Methods: using stratified random sampling method, two college all my school will be pided into literature and history, science, medicine and art four categories are extracted in  all

kinds of Foreign Languages Institute, College of science, College of medicine and College of physical education as the research object; each college randomly 1~2 classes, a total of 160 one questionnaire。 Chi square analysis was  used to analyze   the knowledge, beliefs and behaviors of students in different colleges and grades。 Results: there were 142 valid questionnaires, including 54 boys, 38%, and 88 girls, accounting for 62%。 The rate of attempted smoking was 61。3%, and  the rate  of smoking was 4。2%。 In the recognition of harmful components of tobacco, the awareness rate of carbon monoxide and carbon monoxide was 57。7%, and the awareness rate of radioactive substances was 10。6%。 The different grade students' cognition on tar and carbon monoxide are different, freshman on the awareness rate were 56。3% and 25%, fourth is 95。5% and 45。5%; different college students' cognition on nicotine between medical students on nicotine awareness rate was  97。7%,  while  the  sports school is only 65。4% different; the smoking status of the students cognition  of  carbon monoxide difference。 In the aspect of smoking may cause disease cognition, cardiovascular disease awareness rate was 47。9%, the digestive system disease awareness rate was 47。2%, about 10。6% of the students chose  "smoking  may be a cause of hepatitis B the wrong option。 Students of different schools and grades  differ in their perceptions of cardiovascular disease。 Students understand the way the harm of tobacco knowledge is the  main TV, broadcast and Internet; most of the people  are out of curiosity (72。4%) and (52。9%) people around and try smoking, multi time distribution in high school (46%), the University also accounted for a large proportion (21。8%) Conclusion: In order to improve the students' awareness of tobacco, should strengthen the health education, improve the cognition of tobacco hazard, and expand the channels for smoking tobacco control education; improve the situation of tobacco attitude college students, should guide and help students establish smoking tobacco control beliefs; driving away from tobacco smoke, in discourage others health education properly in order to better achieve smoking; tobacco control, to create a healthy home and school atmosphere, guide students to get rid of the trouble  of pressure relief positive methods; finally, the relevant departments of the relevant laws and regulations   to create a good social  environment  for  tobacco smoking。 在校大学生吸烟知信行调查分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_176095.html
