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时间:2023-06-24 10:18来源:毕业论文


Abstract In recent years, domestic and international campus bullying incidents intensified, China's shooting bullying process of the video on the network is endless, the impact is extremely bad。 Although there are differences in the characteristics of campus bullying, but it is undeniable that the campus bullying has become an international social cancer, it not only endanger the physical and mental health of young people, but also on the education system, the family and the whole society has serious adverse effects。 Because of the social work of the unique theory of helping people and professional self-help ideas and methods, so I believe that the prevention and control of campus bullying on the existing measures do not have the professional advantage。 This study is based on the case study of 25 young 13-18 years old school students in six major urban districts of Hangzhou。 The case study is based on the case study to understand and summarize the characteristics of the tyranny of Hangzhou youth camp, And try to discuss viable solutions from the perspective of school social work。

毕业论文关键词:校园欺凌; 学校社会工作; 杭州市 

Keyword:Campus bullying; school social work; Hangzhou

目    录

一、绪论 3

(一)选题背景及意义 3

1。课题研究的源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766 背景 3

2。课题研究的意义 4

(二)相关研究概念的界定 5

1。青少年 5

2。社会工作 5

3。学校社会工作 5

4。校园欺凌 6

(三)本课题的研究对象与研究方法 6

1。研究对象和内容 6

2。研究方法 11

二、杭州市青少年校园欺凌形态特征及成因分析 11

(一)杭州市青少年校园欺凌的形态特征 11

1。冷暴力占主导地位 12

2。性格缺陷型暴力是主要表现形式 12

3。宣泄型暴力偶有体现 13

4。时序型态上主要体现为即时型暴力 13

5。蓄谋型暴力偶有发生 13

(二)杭州市青少年校园欺凌的成因 14

1。自身个性发展不健全 15

2。家庭关系紧张 学校社会工作介入青少年校园欺凌初探:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_179811.html
