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时间:2023-07-31 22:10来源:毕业论文

摘    要本文以杭州市三所小学为例,对三到五年级共349名学生进行了闲暇生活现状的调查。研究结果显示:(1)从整体看,学生在上学期间闲暇的时间明显不足,而节假日期间闲暇时间充足。学生对闲暇时间拥有量基本上是满足的。(2)高年级学生的闲暇活动主要是发展提高型的,其次是娱乐消遣型。(3)闲暇生活单一,不少学生的闲暇活动内容就是看电视、玩游戏。(4)闲暇时间中学习压力过重。有部分学生以学习作为闲暇生活的主要内容,“闲而不暇”。(5)学生的闲暇教育缺乏。学校、家庭、社会在其中发挥的作用有限。学校对于学生闲暇活动的指导主要还限于一些课外活动。(6)学生对闲暇时间的使用和闲暇活动缺乏明确的计划和正确的导向,闲暇认知水平较低,部分学生无所事事或无所适从。89507


毕业论文关键词:闲暇生活; 高年级小学生; 闲暇教育

Abstract This article takes three primary schools in Hangzhou for example,researching the present situation of the 349 students’ leisure life from three to five grade。 The result shows that: (1) In general, students have obviously less leisure time during the school and have plenty of leisure time during holidays。 Students are basically satisfied with the amount of leisure time。 (2) Development-oriented leisure activities occupy the dominant position of Senior pupils’ leisure activities, followed by recreational recreation。 (3) Student’s leisure time is monotonous。 Some students spend their leisure watching TV and playing games。 (4) There is too much learning pressure in leisure time。 A part of the students spend their leisure time learning instead of abundant their leisure activities。 (5) Students lack of leisure education。 School, family and society do not play its due role in the students ' education for leisure。 School for the instruction of students ' leisure activities mainly confined to extra-curricular activities。 (6) Students lack of clear plans and the correct guidance to their leisure time and leisure activities。 They have a low cognitive level of leisure。 Some students do nothing or are at a loss。

The study aims at investigating the current situation of the higher-grade students’ leisure life of primary school, and provides some references and suggestions for how to improve the quality of primary school students’ leisure life。

     Keywords: leisure life; higher-grade students in primary school; leisure education 

目    录

摘    要 3

1。 问题的提出 6

1。1 研究背景与意义 6

1。2 相关概念界定 6

1。3 国内外研究现状 8

1。3。1 国外闲暇及闲暇教育研究综述 8

1。3。2 国内闲暇及闲暇教育研究综述 8

2。 研究方法与对象 10

2。1 研究对象 10

2。2 研究方法 11

2。3 研究内容 11

2。4 数据处理 12

3。 高年级小学生闲暇生活管理现状调查的结果 12

3。1 高年级小学生闲暇时间占有情况 高年级小学生闲暇生活现状调查及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_190656.html
