摘 要
毕业论文关键词:学前儿童理财教育; 代币游戏; 奖励; 现状;
Living in the time that is highly competitive and rush。 The ability of finance management gradually becomes a necessity for living。 Therefore, some relevant education is gaining its attention。 Finance education for children in western country has been rather mature and complete, even has become a tradition。 yet in China, such education has not receiving a due attention, and barely has much related research。 This article will be analysing papers concerning pre-school finance management education, so as to dig out the core of the problem, to let more people to focus on finance management, especially that for pre-school children。
Teaching activities in kindergarten has always been one of the important mediums for pre-school education。 This article mainly discussed the possibility of token game as in education of pre-school finance management, based on the interview with 10 teachers in the kindergarten during my internship, to summarise the problems and reflects from the practise of bring token game into the education activities of finance management, and give corresponding suggestions and ideas。
The article will be pided into 7 chapters。 The first chapter is introduction, introduce the background and significance of such research, and set forth the basic theory of related notion。 The second chapter is a literature review, combined a discussion of home and abroad。 The third chapter is terminology。 The forth chapter explained in detail of the theory of reward-teaching and the subject research on token game in kindergarten。 The fifth chapter claims the methods applied in my research。 The sixth chapter is the conclusion and possible expectation on bring token game into kindergarten education。
Keyword:pre-school finance management education ;bring token game ;encouragement ;status
目 录
一、绪论 1
1。1问题提出的背景 1
1。2理财教育实施的基础 1
1。2。 1 生理基础 1
1。2。 2 心理认知基础 学前儿童理财教育研究基于代币游戏的策略分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_196874.html