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时间:2023-12-03 20:23来源:毕业论文

摘  要:教师的提问行为是课堂教学的重要组成部分,体现了教师对课堂的把控和对教材与学生的理解。小学高年级是学生小学阶段的重要转折的开始,要为学生进入下一阶段的学习奠定良好的基础,教师的提问行为显得至关重要,尤其在小学高年级语文课堂中,显得更为重要。教师的提问可以启发学生的思考,提高学生的思维能力。本文对有关教师提问的文献进行研究,从当前小学高年级语文教师的提问行为的现状出发,追踪观察当前小学高年级的语文课堂,从各个角度发现教师提问行为中存在的亮点和问题,分析问题存在的原因,针对当前教师提问行为中存在的问题给出相应的解决对策。91775


Abstract:The teacher's questioning behavior is an important part of classroom teaching, which reflects the teacher's control of the classroom and the understanding of the textbook and the students。 The elementary school higher grades is the beginning of the important turning point in primary school students, for students to enter the next phase of the study to lay a good foundation, teachers' questioning behavior is critical, especially in the language classroom teaching in the elementary school higher grades, is more important。 Teachers' questions can inspire students' thinking and improve their thinking ability。 In this paper, the literature research about teachers' questions, from the current Chinese teachers' questioning behavior situation of the elementary school higher grades, tracing observation of the elementary school higher grades, language classroom teaching from different angles found bright spots and problems in teachers' questioning behavior, analysis the cause of the problem, in view of the current problems existing in the teachers' questioning behavior of corresponding solutions are given。 

Keywords: the elementary school higher grades, questioning behavior, countermeasure

目 录

1 前 言 4

1。1研究缘起 4

1。2研究意义 4

1。3概念界定 5

1。4研究对象与方法 5

2研究综述 7

2。1研究综述 7

2。2已有研究的意义、不足和对本研究的启示 8

3当前小学高年级语文教师提问行为的现状 9

3。1当前小学高年级语文教师提问的亮点 9

3。2。教师提问行为存在的问题 10

4教师提问行为存在问题的原因 16

4。1教师对课堂提问的目的不明确 16

4。2教师忽视提问的价值 16

4。3教师忽略学生的主体地位 16

4。4传统教学观念的影响 17

5解决对策 18

5。1明确提问的目的 18

5。2精简提问的数量 18

5。3对学生回答积极反馈 18

5。4提供学生发问的机会 19

结  论 20

参考文献 21

致 谢 小学高年级语文教师提问行为研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_199325.html
