Abstract: The so-called sense of language, is a person's overall sense of the intuition of the language, or by the language of complex cognitive activities and psychological activities of the process, is the ability to grasp the language。 Sense of language can affect people's ability to understand the meaning of language and language。 The cultivation of language sense in reading is an important part of extracurricular reading。 The teaching of reading in class has laid a good foundation for the extracurricular reading。 Therefore, teachers should pay more attention to the cultivation of language sense in guiding students' extracurricular reading, so that they can promote each other and improve their reading ability。 源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766
Keywords: Sense of language, extracurricular reading, primary school students, strategy
目 录
1 前言 3
1。1研究背景 3
1。2研究目标 3
1。3研究价值 3
2课内阅读与课外阅读 4
2。1阅读的含义 4
2。2课内阅读与课外阅读的不同之处 4
3小学生的语感特点及培养 5
3。1语感的含义及其重要性 5
3。2小学生语感的形成特点 5
4 课外阅读的价值及意义 5
4。1 课外阅读对于课堂教学的促进作用 6
4。2课外阅读在小学生学习与成长过程中发挥的重要作用 6
5 多种方式,有效促进语感培养 6
5。1正确指导学生选择课外阅读书目 7
5。2在朗读中获取知识、体会情感 7
5。3在咬文嚼字中细细品味、升华思想 8
5。4在交流中表达自我、共同进步 9
结论 10
致谢 12
1。1研究背景来自优I尔Q论T文D网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766
人们的阅读方式、阅读品位在海量信息时代也发生了重大改变,青灯黄卷式的传统阅读模式被即时在线浏览所取代,以快餐式、跳跃性、碎片化为特征的数字阅读已成为一种潮流趋势。成人尚且在这浩如烟海的书目中都难以抉择,那么,心智还未成熟的小学生就更难以选择自己应该阅读的书目。所以,在阅读之前首先要选择好阅读的内容,这决定了阅读的质量。论文网 在课外阅读中培养小学生语感的策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_201728.html