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时间:2019-07-07 10:34来源:毕业论文

[毕业论文关键词] 小学新生;入学适应;问题;教育对策
Problems and educational countermeasures to adapt to primary school students
A primary school in Jiangsu city of Xuzhou Province as an example
At present, the problems that the new pupils adapt to the new school in the education theory and education practice is not paid attention to, this study is a elementary school new pupils in xuzhou city as the research object, from the current situation that the new students adapt to primary school.This study is carride on from students' learning adaptation, environmental adaptation, interpersonal adaptation of new pupils adapting to question .The study analyzes the factors that new pupils adapt to the elementary school from students themselves, school ,teachers and family ,the four Angles ,and education countermeasures that new pupils adapt to elementary school are put forward.
Keywords:Primary school new students,Entrance adaptation,Education Countermeasures.
目  录
前  言    2
一、小学新生入学适应现状    3
(一)学习适应现状    3
1.课堂听课适应状况    3
2.课后作业适应状况    3
(二)人际交往适应现状    5
1.师生交往适应状况    5
2.生生交往适应状况    6
(三)环境适应现状    7
1.班级环境适应状况    7
2.校园环境适应状况    8
二、小学新生入学适应中存在的问题    8
(一)小学新生入学适应总体状况不容乐观    8
(二)小学新生学习意识薄弱    9
1.大部分学生注意力不集中    9
2.大部分学生学习态度不端正,不乐于参加学习活动    9
(三)生生交往形式单一    9
1.无固定的伙伴关系    9
2.乐于与同学交往,却不善于与同学交往    9
(四)对新环境有陌生感    9
三、小学新生入学问题的成因分析    9
(一)自身因素    9
1.学生自身注意力易分散、自觉性差,缺乏学习动力    9
2.学生交际范围扩大,适应障碍在所难免    10
(二)学校因素    10
1.幼儿园小学化,学生的学习兴趣下降    10
2.学习方式的转变,学生陷入学习适应障碍    10
3.学校资金限制,难以满足每个学生的发展需求    10
(三)教师因素    10
1.教师角色的转变,学生产生距离感    10
2.教学方式的转变,学生难以适应    10
(四)家庭因素    11
1.家长观念存在误区,学生处于被动状态    11
2.家长包办一切,学生能力得不到锻炼    11
四、小学新生入学适应存在问题的应对策略    11
(一)加强幼小衔接    11
(二)加强校园环境建设    11
(三)充分发挥教师的主导作用    11 小学新生入学适应存在的问题及教育对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_35452.html