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时间:2020-06-29 21:02来源:毕业论文



The Lack of Family Education of Left behind Children and Its Countermeasures


In recent years, because many parents choose to go out to work, there has been the problem of left behind children, most of these parents ignore family education, also led to the current lack of family education in the common phenomenon. These left behind children are at a critical stage of growth, the lack of family education is bound to have a negative impact on their various aspects of development. At first, this paper lists the status of the lack of family education of children left behind, mainly from the left behind children's angle of lack of family education on the adverse consequences caused by their feelings, learning and personal safety description. Through the analysis of the reasons for this phenomenon from four aspects of the family economic conditions, ideological concept, educational responsibility and national legislation. Generally speaking, the government, the family, the school and the society should take the corresponding measures to improve the status of the four subjects.

Key Words:  left behind children; family; lack of education  

目  录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

一  导论 1

(一)留守儿童的概念 1

(二)家庭教育的概念 1

二 留守儿童家庭教育缺失的现状 1

(一)留守儿童情感教育上的缺失 2

(二)留守儿童学习指导上的缺失 2

(三)对留守儿童有效监管的缺失 3

三 留守儿童家庭教育缺失的原因分析 3

(一)留守儿童父母追求经济利益 3

(二)留守儿童父母的教育意识薄弱 3

(三)留守儿童父母教育责任转移 4

(四)国家关于家庭教育立法的不完备 5

四 关于解决留守儿童家庭教育缺失的对策 5

(一)政府方面 5

(二)家庭方面 5

(三)学校方面 6

(四)社会方面 7

参考文献 9

致谢 10

一  导论

近年来,随着我国社会的变迁与转型,社会的重要组成部分——家庭也经历着深刻的变化,尤其是20世纪80年代中期以来,很多家庭的父母外出打工,留下老人和儿童在家中,由此形成了一个新的社会弱势群体——留守儿童。1994年上官子木首次提出了留守儿童的问题应该得到重视的观点[1]。在这之后,很多学者开始研究分析留守儿童在生活、情感、教育等各方面存在的问题,家庭教育缺失也随之得到关注。 留守儿童家庭教育缺失及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_55522.html
