Abstract: According to the ten girls of students in Normal Uuiversity who upgraded from junior college to university without a structured interview as the research object,through the interview to understand their psychological adaptation in the new school,from the life satisfaction,the positive attitude,the clarity of achievement motivation,the sense of identity and other aspects to analyze their characteristics of psychological adaptation,which summarize the discovery:the psychological adaptation of students who upgraded from junior college to university overall is good;the life satisfaction of them is high;the attitude of students them is positive;the learning objective of them is clear;the employment orientation of them is clear;the sense of identity of them is high to the school.
Keywords: upgrade from junior college student to university, female college student, psychological adaptation
1 引言 3
2 研究综述 3
2.1 关于适应 3
2.2 研究回顾 4
3 研究设计 4
4 专升本女生心理适应的特征 5
4.1 专升本女生的生活满意度高 5
4.2 专升本女生的心态是积极的 6
4.3 专升本女生的学习目标明确 6
4.4 专升本女生的就业定位明确 7
4.5 专升本女生的学校认同感强 8
5 建议 9
结论 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12
附录 访谈记录 13
1 引言
2 研究综述
2.1 关于心理适应
心理学家艾夫考认为:适应是个人与环境的互动关系。个体在与环境的相互作用过程中,通过不断地调整自我身心状态,使身心与现实环境保持和谐一致,从而达到认识环境和改造环境、发展自我的目的。适应的心理机制是由三个基本环节组成的:一是对环境的认知;二是进一步构筑自身的价值观念;三是在新的价值观念指导下调整自身的需求、动机和情绪,达到与环境的和谐一致,从而达到适应[2]。 专升本女生心理适应状况的研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_68756.html