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时间:2021-07-05 22:31来源:毕业论文

摘  要网络作为现代科技发展的重要标志对当今社会产生着深远的影响,同时也使现代教育活动发生了巨大变革,改变了当今的教育教学环境。地理教师在教学活动中的角色也在无形中发生变化,网络环境下的地理教师不再是传统意义上的传道授业解惑者,如何重新定位地理教师角色从而实现教师角色的转变已是当今许多教师面临的重要问题。教师必须正视角色转变的客观事实,转变传统的教学思想,努力提高自身的综合素质,尽快完成自身角色的转变与适应。这不仅是现代教育体制改革的需要,也是我国教育与时代接轨,与国际接轨的重要手段。本文针对当前网络化时代特点及其对教育的影响,在分析当代地理教师角色定位的基础上,对如何有效转变和适应地理教师角色提出对策。69205


毕业论文关键词:网络  地理教师  角色  转变

Research on the Transformation and Adaptation of Teachers' Role in the Network Environment ---Taking Geography Teaching as an Example



Network as an important symbol of science development has a far-reaching impact on today's society. At the same time, It made tremendous reform in modern educational activities and changed the current educational environment. The role of geography teachers changes in teaching activities,geography teachers under the network environment is no longer in the traditional sense of proselytizes instructs dispels doubt, how to define role of geography teachers in order to achieve the transformation of teacher's role is an important problem facing many teachers today.  Teachers must face up to the objective facts of the role change, change the traditional teaching ideas, and strive to improve their comprehensive quality to complete the transformation and adaptation of their roles as soon as possible. This is not only the need of modern education system reform, the education and the times of our country, but also the important means of international practice. According to the characteristics of the current network era and its impact on education, it put forward countermeasures on how to effectively change and adapt to the role of geography teachers based on the analysis of the role of contemporary geography teachers.

There are three tables and sixteenth references in this thesis.

Key words: network  geography teacher  role  change

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

图清单 IV

1 绪论 1

2 网络化时代的教育 1

2.1 计算机网络的特点 1

2.2 网络给地理教育带来的影响 3

3 地理教师角色 5

3.1 传统的地理教师角色存在的局限 6

3.2 网络化时代丰富了地理教师角色的内涵 7

4 网络时代实现地理教师角色转换策略 10

4.1 实现地理教师观念的转变 10

4.2 提高地理教师的信息素养 11

4.3 注重在地理教学实践中发挥教师角色 12

5 结语 13

参考文献 网络环境下的地理教师角色转变与适应策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_77973.html
