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时间:2022-08-13 16:23来源:毕业论文



Research on Children's Peer Relationships in Small Classes

Abstract: Children's peer interaction is an important content of children's socialization and is one of the most important social skills in children。 In the meantime, it is better for children to get rid of self-centered and it can promoting social cognition and pro-social emotions of children。 This papers use observation and interview method take a township kindergarten of 3 a class of children of Zhoukou city as respondents to observation and according to interview children parents found three problems about children's companion contacts in the exists : the first one is children's "to self for Center "is clear; the second is  the phenomenon of lonely, timid and shrinking behavior when they interact with peers; the third is children's aggressive behavior is obviously。 And the study puts forward five proposals to the above problems: the first is to establish a secure attachment relationship; the second is strengthening children's games cooperation; the third is to encourage children's communicative action; the fourth is to attach importance to training infants ' language skills; the fifth is take a empathy training to children。

Keywords : Peer interaction; Attachment; Empathy training methods

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract。 1

一、相关概念界定 2

    (一)同伴交往 2

(二)依恋 2

(三)移情训练法 2

二、幼儿同伴交往的现状调查与分析 2

(一)幼儿“以自我为中心”明显 2

(二)幼儿在交往中表现的孤僻、胆小、退缩 3

(三)幼儿在同伴交往中攻击性行为明显 4

三、影响周口市某乡镇幼儿园小班幼儿同伴交往的因素分析 5

(一)幼儿自身的因素 5

(二)家庭因素 5

(三)幼儿园因素 6

四、改善周口市某乡镇幼儿园小班幼儿同伴交往建议 7

(一)建立安全、良好的依恋关系 7

(二)加强幼儿的游戏合作 8

(三)鼓励幼儿的交往行为 8

(四)重视幼儿语言交往能力的培养 8

(五)对幼儿进行移情训练 9

参考文献 小班幼儿同伴交往现状的调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_97779.html
