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时间:2018-03-13 14:03来源:毕业论文

关键词  江苏省 农产品 出口 影响 对策
Title   Problems and Countermeasures for Agricultural Product Export in Jiangsu Province                                               
As an economic strong province and major agricultural province, Jiangsu’s grain yield has been growing for ninth consecutive year since 2012 and keeps the fourth place throughout the country. Jiangsu has leading agricultural development level and becoming much closer to international market. At the same time, the competition is also becoming more intense. Recently, the growth trend of industrial products export has been accelerating in Jiangsu, but agricultural products export shows falling tendency. This paper firstly analyzes the problem in the field of agricultural products export base on the statistical data of Jiangsu’s agricultural export, and then I also look for the main factor of restricting agricultural products export. According to Theory of Absolute advantage, Comparative Advantage of Theory, and Factor Endowments Theory, this paper will propose relevant solutions in government, enterprise, and industry association level base on practical situation of Jiangsu province.
Keywords agricultural products,Jiangsu , export trade, Impact countermeasures.
1  引言    2
1.1  研究背景及意义    2
1.2  研究的主要内容    2
1.3  文献综述    2
2  江苏省农产品出口的相关理论基础    5
2.1  绝对优势理论    5
2.2  相对优势理论    6
2.3  要素禀赋理论    6
3  江苏省农产品出口的现状和问题    8
3.1  江苏省农产品出口现状    8
3.2 江苏省农产品出口存在的问题    11
4 江苏农产品出口制约原因    14
4.1  内部原因    14
4.2  外部原因    16
5江苏农产品出口对策    17
5.1  政府层面    17
5.2  企业层面    19
5.3  行业协会方面    20
总结    22
致谢    23
参考文献    24
1  引言
1.1  研究背景及意义
2001年迎来了中国对外开放的新阶段,12月11日我国正式加入WTO。农产品有更多的机会在海外市场上销售,出口的发展空间也更加广阔。作为农业大省的江苏,具有良好的经济、社会和自然资源。树木,牲畜,农作物种类丰富,油料,棉花,粮食和其他农产品基本上遍布全省,创造了农业生产优良的条件。作为传统的农业先进区域之一,江苏农业快速发展,畜牧业,渔业生产值始终名列前茅。20世纪90年代之前,江苏一直走在全国农产品出口的前列,农业贸易顺差一直保持在每年超过5亿美元。[1] 江苏省农产品出口中存在的问题和对策:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_10974.html