摘 要湖笔作为文房四宝之首,有着悠久的发展历史和丰厚的文化底蕴,以制作精良、品质优异而成为享誉海内外的知名品牌,湖州善琏镇则是湖笔的主要产地和发源地。但是善琏镇的湖笔产业随着社会的快速发展和书写工具的进步与改变而受到巨大冲击。尽管在政府意识到其重要性并给予政策资金等方面帮助的前提下,湖笔产业随经济发展在进行调整和改变,但来自各方面的挑战仍不可避免。笔者通过实地调研和参阅文献等方式对善琏湖笔产业的发展现状进行深入分析,并在此基础上以湖州善琏湖笔厂为例,提出产业优化发展的对策思考,希望对湖笔产业优化发展的现实问题有所帮助和提供借鉴意义。89659
Abstract Writing brush produced in Huzhou Shanlian, which is as the head of “ four treasures of the study”,has a long history of the development and rich culture and it becomes a world-known brand, for its sophisticated production and exceptional quality。Meanwhile Shanlian town is a major producer and vital source of it。But with the society developing fast and writing tools promoting and changing,it has a huge impact on its industry in Shanlian town。Although its industry is adjusting and changing with the development of economy and the government’s awareness of its importance as well as help in policy and funds,multiple challenges are unavoidable。The author deeply analyses the development status of its industry in Shanlian in the way of field investigation and consulting literature etc。Then the author takes Huzhou Shanlian Writing Brush factory as an example on this basis and puts forward some measures to optimize the development of industry,hoping that these can help to solve practical problems that are related to optimizing the development of its industry and to have important inspiration and reference。
毕业论文关键词:善琏湖笔; 产业发展; 五力模型;
Keyword:Writing Brush in Shanlian; Industry Development; Five Forces
目 录
(一)善琏湖笔的竞争优势 5
(二)善琏湖笔存在的问题源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 —以湖州善琏湖笔厂为例5
参考文献 11
致谢 11
在书写工具已经发展到目前的情况下,毛笔的角色依然不可替代。据统计数据显示,2013年和2014年中国毛笔出口数量分为44973432支和35595464支。由这些可以看得出来,国外的毛笔市场空间巨大。 在如今的中国毛笔产业中,浙江善琏湖笔和河北侯店毛笔以及河南太仓毛笔堪称中国的三大名笔,作为毛笔的主产地浙江、河北和河南则形成了中国主要的毛笔产业。其中尤以浙江的湖笔产业最为繁荣和知名。湖州制笔主要集中在善琏,善琏是浙江湖笔的生产基地,善琏制笔历史悠久,且形成了家家制笔的湖笔产业,如今更是处于建设湖笔一条街等的湖笔小镇之中。善琏湖笔产业在政策、资金等支持下目前发展较快,呈现一个良好的势头;但机遇往往和危机并存,新时代下善琏湖笔产业受到的冲击无疑是巨大的,受到的挑战更是来自各方面,产业逐渐衰退,产值进而缩水,在品牌、营销、人才、市场等方面都存在较大缺陷,虽然目前情况有所改善,但是仍然面临较大的挑战,作为传统手工业的湖笔产业,如何在如今网络发达、电商“横行”、科技发展迅猛的新时代谋求发展的新道路,这是个亟待解决的问题。 湖州善琏湖笔产业发展现状分析及对策思考:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_195248.html