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时间:2023-08-23 22:33来源:毕业论文

摘  要自上世纪九十年代以来,互联网等新兴技术的发展给传统行业带来了巨大冲击,教育这一古老的行业也不例外。在线教育经过长期的缓慢发展,在最近几年迎来了发展热潮。受到人们关注度的提高,大量种类各异的在线教育产品出现在市场上。89687



Abstract Since the nineties of last century,internet technology has brought the huge impact to the traditional industry include education。After a long period of slow development,online-education got wide attention in recent years。A large number of different types of education products appear in the market。This paper mainly tries to analyze the online-education products of Wangyi Cloud classroom,and give some enlightenment to the future development of online-education。

First of all,this paper describes the definition and characteristics of online-education,and then gives a detailed introduction to the history of online-education and the present market situation。 Then it analyzes the market share, cost and income of Wangyi cloud classroom as the main body, and finds out some advantages and disadvantages of Wangyi cloud classroom itself in the course of practical operation。。Finally,based on the thinking of advantages and disadvantages of Wangyi Cloud classroom,we can give online-education industry practitioners some valuable development strategy and predict the future of online-education。

Keywords: Online-education; The network education;Wangyi Cloud classroom;Profit model 


毕业论文(设计)独创性声明 I

摘  要 3

Abstract 4

1 在线教育概述 8

1。1 在线教育的概念 8

1。2 在线教育的特点 9

1。3 在线教育的分类 11

2 在线教育的发展状况 12

2。1在线教育的发展历程 12

2。1。1 函授教育阶段 12

2。1。2 广播电视源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 大学教育阶段 12

2。1。3 在线教育阶段 13

2。2 在线教育的建设情况 13

2。2。1 内容提供商 13

2。2。2 平台提供商 14

2。2。3 技术提供商 14

2。3我国在线教育市场状况 15

2。3。1 市场规模 15

2。3。2 用户规模 16

2。3。3 融资规模 17

3 在线教育的盈利模式的基本分析 从网易云课堂看中国在线教育平台盈利模式:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_195288.html
