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时间:2024-05-03 09:49来源:95274



Case Analysis of Ezubao

Abstract:Over the past decade, reform and opening up has been in-depth tens of thousands of households, the role of the Internet has been in various industries in China has played an indispensable role.Internet finance has become a banner in the development of China's financial sector.But with its continuous development, the Internet financial management of the security issues continue to highlight.Financial fraud criminal activities have been exposed to a large area of people in the line of sight.Two years 70 billion, thirteen million people jumped into them,Investors in various industries are a sober agent, investment need to be cautious.From the conditions of their own, in the era of rapid operation of this industry, hold some fixed truth.This article will start from the e rent treasure events, analysis of its spread of a wide, high popularity of the root causes of the high.While at the same time understanding of China's legal level, economic level, social level of multiple regulatory deficiencies.This article from the industry point of view, the national point of view, the use of comparative analysis.Discrimination propose appropriate for the orderly development of the Internet Finance in China, to provide reference on some suggestions and methods.

Keywords:Ponzi schemes;Economic shocks  ;Property crime ;


0引言 1

1e租宝经营模式与特点 4

2A2P与P2P平台 5

2.1A2p平台的性质 5

2.2P2P平台的性质 6

2.3A2P与P2P平台的区别 7

3监管层面的缺陷 7

3.1法律监管层的缺失 7

3.2金融监管层的缺失 8

3.3社会监管层的缺失 9

4后e租宝时代的监管方法与启示 9

5互联网金融监管的意义 11

6互联网金融未来的发展 12

结论 13

致谢 14

参考文献 15



现代互联网金融产业的发展各种新鲜事物层出不群,余额宝的产品引得各种各样的金融产品不断涌现。微信增加了类似支付宝的支付功能,向互联网+进军,证券基金公司同样利用互联网,让线上销售基金保险理财产品成为营销的主要来源。电商行业开始进军互联网产业,金融产业利用电商平台进军互联网产业,电商和金融双方利用各自优势进行资源整合,让客户能够更方便的使用他们的产品,参与他们的活动。互联网金融产品开始成为一个集管理现金、理财增值、转账消费、购物快递四个功能于一身的网络创新服务产品。具体来看,互联网金融业务一般地被认为包括三大块内容:网商银行(如蚂蚁金服、京东金融)业务;P2P网贷业务;互联网众筹业务。 金融诈骗犯罪活动e租宝事件案例分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_203644.html
