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时间:2024-09-24 22:34来源:97408
深化供给侧结构性改革,着 力振兴实体经济。上市公司作为公众公司,其稳健经营和理性投资行为不仅关系 到公司持续安全较快发展,而且关系到广大投资者的利益。



Motivation and performance analysis of financial products of listed company investment bank

Abstract:In recent years, the majority of the company's operating income growth, poor profitability, management agency problem is serious, due to the variety of products, high yield, liquidity is good wait for a characteristic and defect of regulation, many listed companies to put money into financial management products, which has become a part of listed companies "profit growth point.Resources waste and damage the interests of investors, however, caused the company, in connection with the bank interest exchange problems such as followed, financial product investment risk and the company's liquidity risk will, in turn, make the company to assume the potential losses.In the long run, the listed companies to buy financial products is to improve the capital management efficiency, reduce the risk of the enterprise, or causes the increase of the enterprise risk is worthy of further research, the results will provide theoretical guidance to the enterprise managers of funds management and decision, when making cash management strategies for listed company to provide valuable reference.In this paper, we will make an analysis of concrete examples.

Keywords: listed companies;Bank wealth management products;Motivation; performance


1绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2目的和意义 2

1.3研究思路和方法 2

2上市公司购买银行理财产品的现状 3

2.1银行理财产品发展状况 3

2.2银行理财产品具体发行状况 4

2.3上市公司购买银行理财产品特征 5

3动因分析 9

3.1金融体系内资金分配不合理,上市公司融资成本低 9

3.2实体经济疲软,主营业务发展受阻 10

3.3资本市场缺乏融资约束,上市公司超募股权资金现象严重 10

3.4银行理财产品拥有明显的优势 11

4绩效分析 12

4.1提高资金使用效率,增加财务收入 12

4.2“扮靓”公司业绩,提升股民信心 12

4.3损害投资者利益 12

4.4容易造成企业资金无法正常流动增加企业经营风险。 13

5上市公司购买理财产品存在问题及对策建议 13 上市公司购买银行理财产品的动因及绩效分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_204736.html
