毕业论文关键词:跨国公司 在华并购 影响 建议
The Influence of Transnational Corporations’Mergers and Acquisitions on the National Enterprise
Abstract: As global merger wave hits, the current merger and acquisition of multinationals in China has entered a phase of rapid development. Not only the scale of mergers and acquisitions becomes larger, but also system of investment has strengthened, in order to strengthen market position, getting resources, improving efficiency and getting strategic assets for the purpose of transnational mergers and acquisitions have become a reflection of fierce global competition. More and more multinational companies use acquisitions as a way to enter the global market and expand their own competitive advantages. While we focus on the favorable aspects of merger and acquisition of multinationals in China, we should also be vigilant to the negative effects. By studying the case of Kodak, this paper explores the good and bad effects of merger on China enterprise, and through further of research, eventually obtained how to take the strategy to face with the merger trend, to avoid foreign merger of potential against, to improve Chinese enterprises’ competitiveness, and to maintain health long-term development of Chinese enterprises.
Key Words:transnational corporations mergers and acquisitions influence advice
一、引言 - 2 -
二、跨国企业在华并购的现状及趋势 - 2 -
(一)在华并购数量增多,规模逐渐扩大 - 2 -
(二)跨国企业不断增强其在华并购的系统性 - 3 -
(三)并购对象往往是行业龙头企业或者实力派企业 - 3 -
(四)实施并购的对象以美、日、欧的跨国公司为主 - 4 -
(五)跨国公司已经把并购作为其在华投资的重要战略举措 - 4 -
(优尔)垄断倾向在外资并购中逐渐显现 - 4 -
三、跨国企业在华并购对我国企业的影响 - 5 -
(一)有利影响 - 5 -
(二)不利影响 - 8 -
四、针对跨国公司在华并购的建议 - 12 -
(一)我国政府应完善我国审批外资并购的相关制度 - 12 -
(二)实行适度的产业保护政策 - 12 -
(三)我国企业应增强企业自主技术创新能力 - 12 -
(四)完善品牌价值评估体系,保护民族品牌 - 13 -
(五)建立全面的高端人才管理制度,减少隐形人才流失 - 14 -
参考文献 - 15 -
跨国并购 ,是指跨国公司等国际投资主体通过一定渠道和程序, 遵循东道国法律,取得东道国某些现有企业的部分或全部资产所有权的行为。跨国公司为了在全球执行自己的经营战略, 应对国际市场的新格局,提升其在国际市场上的战略地位, 拉大竞争优势,开始把并购活动的目光由国内投向国际市场。最初的国际直接投资包括跨国并购和绿地投资。由于安全性、灵活性较差,绿地投资逐渐被投资者摒弃,1995年,全球跨国并购以占外国直接投资总额的56.2%的比例,首次超过绿地投资, 此后, 跨国并购风起云涌, 成为外国直接投资的重要方式。 跨国企业在华并购对我国企业的影响:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_32550.html