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时间:2019-08-03 10:15来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:  跨境电子商务;海淘;物流;跨境支付
Analysis and suggestion of present situation of Chinese cross-border e-commerce platform
———study of 168 Cross-border shopping
Abstract:Current in the environment of economic globalization and the globalization of information, background, China's electronic platform for cross-border business enterprises to open up the international market in China has gradually become one of the main ways. Cross-border e-commerce platform in China has become a business to broaden its marketing channels overseas, an important way to realize the depth of the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade. However, the current management system of our country at the moment, national policies, regulations and existing environmental conditions has been unable to meet the increasingly rapid development of cross-border e-commerce. Especially for cross-border e-commerce platform as importers, China's logistics, personalized services, payment security is problematic. The issue is the main obstacle of restricting cross-border e-commerce development in China, and how clear is we want to analyze the problem.
Key Words:  Cross-border e-commerce; cross-border shopping; Logistics; cross-border supply 
一、 绪论    1
(一) 研究的背景    1
(二) 本文研究问题的目的和意义    1
二、 国际跨境电子商务平台的基本概况    2
(一) 跨境电子商务的历史回顾    2
1、 跨境电子商务的定义    2
2、 跨境电子商务平台的发展    3
(二) 跨境电子商务的现状    3
(三) 全球跨境电子商务的市场格局和发展趋势    4
1、全球跨境电子商务的市场格局    4
2、全球跨境电子商务的发展趋势    5
三、 168海淘的模式研究    6
(一)168海淘的成本利益浅析    6
1、 168海淘简介    6
2、 168海淘运作形式    6
3、 168海淘的利润来源    7
(二) 168海淘面临的竞争与压力    7
1、来自国家层面的政策影响    7
2、来自竞争对手的竞争与威胁    8
四、我国小额跨境电子商务平台存在的问题    9
(一)小额跨境电子商务交易信用问题凸显    9
(二)跨境电子商务平台的个性化服务不足的问题    9
(三)跨境电子商务物流业发展仍显滞后    9
1、我国国际物流体系建设不够合理    9
2、我国物流的信息化程度现在仍然处在世界较低水平    10
五、以168海淘为例完善我国跨境电子商务的策略    11
(一)优化支付方式,完善支付流程    11
(二)跨境电子商务平台提供的个性化服务    11 中国跨境电子商务168海淘平台的现状分析及建议:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_36658.html