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时间:2019-08-03 10:14来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 上海航空物流;SWOT分析;发展趋势
Present Situation and Developing Trend Research on Shanghai Aviation Logistics Development
Abstract: With the continuous development of economic globalization, the modern logistics industry is also developing rapidly. Air Logistics has become an important part of modern logistics into a stage of rapid development. Growing all types of businesses demand for air cargo. By learning from the development experience of domestic and international air logistics, and thoughts on basis of the present situation of Shanghai aviation logistics industry. Using SWOT analysis method and through the use of professional knowledge, such as the enterprise's core competitiveness, persification strategy and strategic management. Comprehensive analyze the current situation of the Shanghai aviation logistic development of the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Analyze the stagey as a starting point to make functional integration integrated, efficient industrial competitiveness, personalized customer service and other strategic countermeasures. Finally, to enhance the competitiveness and commercial value of Shanghai aviation hub, the thesis combine the theoretical knowledge with practical experience to make some specific implementation measures, clarify the trends Shanghai aviation logistics industry.
Key Words: Shanghai Aviation Logistics; SWOT analytic; Development Trend
目 录
一、绪论    1
(一)    研究的背景和意义    1
1、研究的背景    1
2、研究的意义    2
(二)    研究内容与方法    3
1、研究内容    3
2、研究方法    3
二、相关理论与文献综述    5
(一)    战略研究综述    5
(二)    航空物流研究综述    6
1、借鉴优秀先进的经验提供指导为切入点    6
2、分析国内现状和发展趋势为切入点    6
3、总结我国航空物流及个别机场产业的发展经验和教训为切入点    7
(三)    国内外其他地区航空物流现状    9
1、美国孟菲斯机场    9
2、韩国仁川国际机场    9
3、香港国际机场    10
(四)    SWOT理论    11
1、 机会与威胁分析    11
2、 优势与劣势分析    11
三、上海航空物流现状SWOT分析    13
(一)    内部优势(Strengths)分析    13
1、完美的地理位置    13
2、优越的集疏运网络    14
3、物流枢纽建设优势    15
(二)    内部劣势(Weaknesses)分析    15 上海航空物流发展现状及发展趋势研究+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_36657.html