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时间:2019-08-17 16:08来源:毕业论文

 【 Abstract 】: China is a country with coal as main energy, in the national coal resource-based cities in 63, 13% of the coal resources city concentrated in shanxi. For a long time has become dominated by coal mining industry in taiyuan city economic structure. But coal as a kind of non-renewable resources will be exhausted, is a must to the sustainable development of transformation of resources city is imminent. Based on the enumeration data, analysis of industrial structure in taiyuan, and puts forward Suggestions to sustainable development of resource-based cities. Research suggests that the transformation of resource-based cities should be: (1) pay attention to promote development of the existing pillar industries, vigorously foster emerging industries development, development of modern service industry, tourism development characteristics. (2) perfect the laws and regulations, strengthen the government's policy support, strengthen regional cooperation between, and create a good environment for industry investment, promote economic efficiency and sustainable development.
【 Key words 】:Resource based city; economic transformation; sustainable development; Taiyuan City
目 录
1前言    4
2太原市概况    4
3太原市社会经济发展现状分析    4
3.1空间结构分析    5
3.2经济结构分析    5
3.2.1产业结构    5
3.2.2全社会固定资产投资结构    5
3.3社会结构分析    6
3.3.1就业结构    6
3.3.2人口结构    7
3.4太原市经济社会发展中存在问题分析    7
3.4.1太原市产业结构单一,煤炭产业结构不合理    8
3.4.2生态环境破坏严重,煤炭安全生产得不到保障    8
3.4.3劳动力二次就业困难,高素质人才相对缺乏    8
3.4.4城市功能功能单一,企业经济负担重    8
3.4.5历史遗留问题多    8
4太原市城市社会经济转型发展的条件分析    8
4.1有利因素    8
4.1.1自然资源丰富    8
4.1.2产业发展潜力大    9
4.1.3政策优势    9
4.1.4市场广阔    9
4.1.5交通便利    9
4.1.6劳动技术影响    9
4.1.7资金充足    9
4.2不利因素    9
4.2.1矿产资源的开采进入成熟期,且水资源短缺    9
4.2.2采矿业小型化,低效化,初级化现象严重    9
4.2.3法律法规不健全,经济体制观念相对滞后    9
4.2.4城市吸引力不足,高素质人才缺乏    9
5太原市经济社会转型中发展的对策    10
5.1加大力度促进产业升级及产业结构转变    10 资源型城市太原的转型发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_37549.html