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时间:2020-10-16 17:40来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 服装;上海;出口;现状与问题;发展与改革;对策和建议

The Present Situation And Countermeasures Of Shanghai Garment Export

Abstract: The garment industry has been a pillar industry to support the national economy, and also been a large proportion of total exports. Shanghai is China's economic center, Shanghai port is located in the forefront of the Yangtze River Delta, which is the intersection of the North South transport channel, so it has a unique export advantage.Garment exports accounted for a huge share of Shanghai's total exports. However, with the decline of the demographic pidend, labor costs increased year by year, and competitors Southeast Asia cost advantages highlighted , Shanghai garment exports face a serious problem.Order a large amount of loss,and foreign market share has been a huge threat,and profit is under a heavy pressure,many factories have had to face the plight of the shutdown.In such a large environment, Shanghai garment exports how to face it is a serious problem.In this paper, through the analysis of the status quo and existing problems of Shanghai garment export, and summarizes the existing problems and challenges, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the future development of Shanghai garment export.

Key Word:Garment;  Shanghai;  Export;   The Present Situation;  Development and Reform;  Countermeasures and Suggestions

目  录


  (一) 研究目的和意义 1

  (二) 文献综述1

  (三) 主要研究内容 3

二、上海服装出口的发展历程 4



  (三)第三阶段:2002-2004年的产业结构调整阶段 5




  (二) 出口欧美现状7

  (三) 出口日本现状8

  (四) 出口发展中国家现状8

四、上海服装出口存在的问题 9

  (一) 订单大量流失 9

  (二) 重视硬件,忽视软件 9

  (三) 缺乏市场调查 9

  (四) 缺少质量管理10

五、上海服装出口存在的问题成因分析 11

  (一) 成本分析 11

  (二) 消费市场分析12

  (三) 政策分析 13


  (一) 对于企业的建议14

  (二) 对于行业方面的建议14

结   论.. 16

致   谢...17

参考文献 .18


(一) 研究的目的和意义

     服装是衣食住行之首,人们生活中必不可缺的消耗品,服装作为一种快消产品永远保持着平稳的发展趋势。随着中国经济的飞速发展,人们的生活水平不断的提高,人们更多的追求设计时尚款式新颖的衣服来满足精神上的需要。 上海服装出口的现状及对策建议:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_63088.html
