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基于Android 平台的文件传输软件的设计与实现

时间:2018-04-13 21:09来源:毕业论文

关键词    蓝牙  Android  近距离通信技术  文件传输
Title  Design And Implementation Of File Transfer Software Based On Android Platform        
With the development and growth of the mobile Internet for all to see. Development of smart phones can be said to be changing. More and more applications, more and more powerful features, but people want more variety of features in a mobile phone, let the phone instead of life in other tools. It is driving this demand, making the rapid development of a series of short-range wireless communications technology. This research is based on the Android platform, combined with Bluetooth technology designed file transfer software.
Existing wireless transmission technologies, including Wifi, infrared, Bluetooth, etc., but for now, the most well-known is the Bluetooth technology. Compared with other techniques, can be said to be the Bluetooth short-range radio communication between two devices of the simplest and most convenient technique. This topic through Bluetooth technology research and development, will operate Bluetooth and file selection, transmission and other functions together in one, convenient for users to view and manipulate. The results of the test run the software, the project has been basically completed the expected requirements and needs, of course, there are areas for improvement, and a number of shortcomings in the future, hoping to further exploration and research in the future.
Keywords  Bluetooth,Android , Short distance communication,File transfer
目   次 
1  引言    8
1.1课题背景与来源    8
1.1.1 课题背景    8
1.1.2 课题来源    8
1.2课题相关技术介绍    8
1.2.1 Android简介与发展现状    8
1.2.2 蓝牙简介与发展现状    10
1.3研究内容及论文结构    12
2  课题需求分析    13
2.1 软件功能需求分析    13
2.2 软件性能需求分析    13
2.3 软件技术需求分析    14
2.3.1 Android平台相关技术    14
2.3.2 基于Android的蓝牙技术    15
3  概要设计    16
3.1 基于Android的蓝牙技术    16
3.2 基于Android的蓝牙基础    16
3.3 蓝牙的权限    17
3.4 蓝牙的设置    17
3.4.1 获取BluetoothAdapter    17
3.4.2 蓝牙是否可见    17
3.5 查找设备    18
3.6 查找匹配设备    18 基于Android 平台的文件传输软件的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_13195.html