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时间:2023-11-29 22:39来源:毕业论文



A b s t r a c t :In recent years, mobile application industry at a rapid pace, fitness software market which is particularly prominent, above all due to the work of modern social life, made up of seven, manual shift eighties to the present office of mental work, the younger generation human sub-health situation is getting worse。 And secondly because the main way is to change the sub-health physical training, regular exercise has a certain role。 Finally, because of the popularity of mobile phones and flat-panel easy to use portable equipment, these devices as an essential part of contemporary life。 Therefore, a good sports fitness APP application software will be a key factor to improve the sub-health issues of contemporary life。This paper mainly studies the related technology of iOS development platform and the MVC development mode chosen by APP。 

The graduation project is mainly to achieve the following functions: user registration, login and password change function; user running real-time tracking and rendering jogging path functions; user in accordance with the video guide fitness function; edit your personal information, mutual concern, upload dynamic functions。

Keywords:  IOS, sub-health, fitness software


1  绪论 6

1。1 系统开发背景 6

1。2  论文概况 7

1。3  开发工具简介 7

1。3。1  Xcode8。0简介 7

1。3。2  Swift简介 7

1。3。3  APP开发模式简介 8

1。3。4  Keep 选用的开发模式 9

2  KEEP健身软件需求分析 10

2。1  项目概述 10

2。2  系统目标 10

2。3  用户及需求分析 10

2。3。1  目标用户 10

2。3。2  产品需求分析 10

2。4  健身软件信息架构 11

3  系统功能模块设计 12

3。1  用户信息注册及登录模块 12

3。1。1  用户信息的注册 12

3。1。2  用户登录 14

3。1。3  用户修改密码 15

3。2  用户健身锻炼模块 基于iOS平台的健身APP的设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_199104.html
