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时间:2018-09-29 11:31来源:毕业论文

关键词  Web服务   本体   OWL-S   代数规约  dom4j
Title   Research on Transforming from Ontology Description  to Algebraic Specifications of Web Services                                                
With the development of the Internet economy, the importance of Web services for Internet information exchange revealed gradually, in many Web services how to find quality service becomes a problem to be solved, while testing is an effective way. But the current ontology description method of Web services does not apply to the service tests, and the formal specification techniques can provide a kind of service description that could be tested. Therefore, how to transform ontology description of Web services to formal specification is a problem worthy of studying.
In this paper, we study the transformation between ontology and algebraic specification of Web service description, design and develop a tool transforming the ontology of the Web services description to the algebraic specification, a Web service of OWL-S to algebraic specification written in Sofia language.
Keywords  Web service; ontology; OWL-S; algebraic specification; dom4j
目   录
1  引言  1
   1.1  研究背景  1
   1.2  当前国内外研究状况  1
   1.3  研究内容  4
     1.4  论文组织结构  4
2  涉及的方法和技术   5
   2.1  Web服务   5
   2.2  Web服务本体描述语言   6
   2.3  代数规约    10
      2.3.1 代数规约基本概念  10
      2.3.2 代数规约的语言---Sofia语言    10
3  面向Web服务描述的本体语言与代数规约的转换设计 13
   3.1  数据库设计 13
   3.2  转换设计15
   3.3  整体设计 16
4  面向Web服务描述的本体语言与代数规约的转换实现17
   4.1 dom4j--java的XML API 17
   4.2 程序模块  19
   4.3 程序结果展示19
结论与展望 28
图2.1  Web服务框架结构图5
  图2.2  RDF三元组表示6
图2.3  OWL-S的结构模型图7
图3.1  OWL-S文件的树状结构15
图3.2  程序界面图16
图4.1  本体程序流程图19
图4.2  uses和extends关系运行结果24
图4.3  常量运行结果24
图4.4  操作运行结果26
图4.5  变量运行结果26
图4.6  ontology文件运行结果27
图4.7  profile文件运行结果28
表2.1  RDF(S)、DAML+OIL、OWL的比较7
表3.1  数据库表Sort14 面向Web服务描述的本体到代数规约转换技术研究:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_23608.html